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"mama you look tired

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"mama you look tired." amira came inside the kitchen as i was drinking my tea. she had on some small ass clothes making me eye her real hard but i decided not to say anything. i really hate that shit but saying something is like talking to a brick wall with her.

"tired ain't even the word." i took a sip and she sat at the island with me. my head felt like it would explode and the feeling of a cold was coming through hard. i'm trying to kill it before it gets worse.

this shouldn't be happening. especially with all the rehearsing we have to do for this upcoming show. it's in a week. kaila has been working so hard and we're finally at the end. now it's all about perfection. just running through the whole performance.

honestly i think i need my wife. she's been working so much, i think i'm getting sick from her absence. that's possible..? i think it is cause i swear i was fine before she was being gone the way she's been. this happened when we first separated, i was sick as hell for like a month.

i've been walking around in leggings and my favorite black jacket. it's a little big so it's comfortable as hell on me. the chills is no joke when you're sick, it feels like ice being poured down your back every second.

"mama you busy today?"

"yea i have rehearsals."

"with kaila right?"

"yea. what's up?"

"nothing i was just asking cause momma said she wasn't going anywhere today. i was trying to make sure before i went out tonight in case you needed me to stay with the little ones."

"oh, no you're good. i'll probably take them to the building with me. they wouldn't even listen to you. and i oughta whoop you for teaching my daughter how to twerk." i glared at her. amira is such a wild child and she just lucky she's an adult now. she be thinking nobody notice what she do, especially on social media.

fans repost everything that has something to deal with onika and i. so of course if they follow our children they're gonna post our children. with amira living the early 20's life she's always out and about if she's not at school.

i be wanting to comment on fan pages.

"who, asia?"

"so it was definitely you cause i didn't even have to say a name."

"it's funny mama. you know she such a little boy but when it comes to dancing like that, she be eating em up."

"imma beat both y'all up and show you how much i can eat." i got up taking my tea cup to the sink. they be testing me like i won't show them something. all i really do is fuss until i'm fed up enough.

"oh mama..." she laughed as i sat back down with some fruit from the fridge. i'm really trying to cure myself cause i can't rehearse with a cold. i'll lose my mind. "i think we should all go on a trip this summer."

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