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: yooooo nic!

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: yooooo nic!

i scrunched my face at the number. who in the hell is this? i'm good for deleting numbers so i'm more than confused right now. i don't wanna just ask who is it because like...that's embarrassing.

oh hey! what's up? :

i bit at my lip hoping i would get a hint the next reply. why do people just text folks randomly like that? they could've called or some shit.

: what's going on? i heard you in the h

yea just for some time :

i huffed realizing this would go on and on for no reason. what happened to introducing yourself when you first text someone?

: we got some club offerings. you down?

i'm sorry i'm confused now. who's this? :

i had to just give up the act because it was going nowhere. club offering is insane especially in houston. that's like...asking for trouble. all the people be out when celebrities show up. they don't care who it is.

: the club promoter. remember years back?

oh...nah i can't even do that. that's what got me in trouble and ruined my damn relationship years ago. i just cannot go for that again. if i do, beyoncé will be there with me. i'm already knowing she won't let me go alone.

it doesn't matter how much beyoncé says that she trusts me, i know she doesn't. i'm working on it, i really am. without trust we're nothing... so i would say right now, we're nothing.

oh yea i remember. i'm sorry, i'm here for family business :

: aw it won't be much. good money.😁

i sighed throwing my head back. honestly i owe my babies an appearance cause i have not been out enough. that show was nothing because my fans didn't know.

it really wasn't fair.

alright. but i may not be alone so expect everything to be crazy :

: wifey coming with you, that's only hotter

yea. send over the info and we'll see you tonight. we need the highest section and no doubles. meaning only us :

: got you.

i don't want any outsiders with us because that's like calling for trouble. my wife can be a huugggeee problem when others are around. she starts to feel like she has to be in defense mode over me when that's not the case.

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