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"ok so when you add those, are you looking for something specific to be removed?" i frowned looking to my mama

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"ok so when you add those, are you looking for something specific to be removed?" i frowned looking to my mama. this woman just came in with three different outfits and we're already struggling to narrow the five we already got. with her being the designer of my clothes, i have to clarify a lot with her. she be confusing.

"no." she said simply and sat in the chair. i raised both my eyebrows, chuckling with a shake to my head. this woman. "it's not your job to focus on wardrobe."

"but i have to wear it."

"it's not your job to focus on wardrobe."


"do your job and let me do mine beyoncé."

"alright mama." i sighed heavily pulling out my phone. i'm just here for sizing and stuff i guess. she doesn't bat an eye at me for anything else when it comes to this.

i need to check on onika and see how she's doing. she was in a lot of pain when i left a couple hours ago. her surgery is tomorrow and man.... we have that whole talk today as well. i'm praying she let everyone know about it and it's not just such a huge surprise to them.

it would be a mess to spring it up on them out of nowhere on the day of. but i feel like she did tell them because taylen called her yesterday as well as amira.

i wanna talk to my baby now so i called.

she didn't answer making me huff and i called asias phone. i didn't even wanna try to blow her up because if she don't answer imma be mad. know how i get when she don't answer me. be finna crash out and pull up on her ass.

"hello?" asia answered with her forehead in the camera. i scrunched my face looking at her head and she showed her face. told her about answering me with that big ole head in the way. her and onika stay doing that.

"where yo momma at?"

"she in the kitchen." she sounded like she was just laying down. most likely playing her game.

"go to her for me."

she sighed heavily but got up anyways and went. i don't care about her little attitude.

"here momma, your wife want you."


"mcht, get this phone ma."

"asia get out my face, for real."

"onika get the fucking phone." i spit. why she acting like a butthole? she wasn't mad before i left so what the fuck. better fix her little ass attitude! "what's wrong witchu man?"

"the same fucking thing that's been wrong."

"you hurting, fat mamas?"

"beyoncé shut up."

"momma get the phone, i don't wanna hear yall bicker."

"i don't want the phone."

"answer your own phone then onika."

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