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ugh. my first day out the house alone. i would say i'm semi healed from surgery...it's been about three weeks. i'm not in so much pain anymore so that's a huge step. the only thing that bothers me is the scar alone. sometimes it'll hurt if i move a certain way or if it's touched. but i'm okay overall.

what pissed me off though...after bleeding for that week, another week went by and then my period came. that bothered my soul real bad.

i need some dick. like so bad.

but today should be the last day of my period. the doctors said my period could either be worse or better after that surgery and i thank the heavens that it's better. i'm not cramping much and i'm not bleeding so heavily.

i'm grateful.

especially because i'm very busy. i have to prepare for a show. this has been in the books, and i've recovered at the right time. well...semi recovered. let bey tell it, i'm not even semi healed. she's so extra.

it's like none of my family wants me working right now. they keep saying i'm not ready. but i think it's their paranoia. i'm okay enough.

"wifey asked if you're doing okay." tae let me know bey texted. i only nodded my head as we walked through the halls. we have to check the stage today and rehearse. i'm a little nervous. "she said, tae give her the phone and tell her stop playing with me. how she know it was me?" he laughed holding the phone out to me.

i shook my head grabbing it and pressed to call bey. she's gonna start her bullshit when i just left home. we had a whole conversation before i left out with her standing in my face. she was deadass and 'not playing with me.'


"beyoncé i'm working, why do you do that?"

"girl shut up, i'm checking on yo ugly ass."

i rolled my eyes at her calling me ugly. that's so dumb. the amount of times she's called me so sexy and beautiful i can't even believe that.

"ok i'm fine, i promise. if there's something wrong i'll let you know. but i don't want you blowing my phone up because i'm not texting back or something."


"i love you daddy."

"yea, i love you too."

"are you upset with me, my love?" i turned the corner, following the crew. they were lowkey walking too fast for me. shit. for one my legs are only so long.


"you are."

"no i ain't. i'll talk to you whenever you call."

"daddy stop...you can call me if you want, just don't blow me up."

she didn't say anything and the line went dead. i smacked my lips looking at the phone to see she really hung up on me. oh my goodness. she's upset now, and i didn't mean to do that. i know she was only checking on me.

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