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i feel good today

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i feel good today. five of my children are here with me and its the best feeling. honestly i can't remember the last time i had so many of them at once.

what's even crazy is that they suggested they come over here. i didn't have to ask or anything. onika didn't make them.

asia still has this little wall up but she's breaking down. thankfully. i'm guessing she's starting to see that she's literally me. take a quick glimpse and i'm sure she'll think she's staring in a mirror.  

it's insane. not a lick off onika in her.

"what you doing?" i flopped on the couch next to kaila. she quickly closed her book and i slightly mugged. why can't i see? she's been sitting here for the longest writing and thinking.

i've caught her staring into space a couple of times. it's a diary for sure so i'm starting to think she does have a little boo. i'll get to the end of it. trust. onika already told me about the sleeping on the phone thing.

"mama.... privacy please?"

"mcht. you're literally in the living room." i chuckled. that's like the most unprivate place ever. any and everyone can come through here.

"but....i was here first." she mumbled looking in her lap. i sighed ruffling her hair before going about my business. guess it's not the time to bother her.

i went to the twins and they were watching tv. forget it. just got in the bed with them and watched whatever they were watching on youtube. some weird shit but very watchable. it was entertaining in some way.

i could hear kaila on the phone but it's not who i thought it was. it's tasia. i've been ear hustling. only because i miss my children. the most i'll get to tasia is this. it sucks but.... it is what it is.

whatever they're talking about is serious tho.

"but i want it to touch yaknow? it's very emotional for sure."

"you wanna make them cry?" kaila chuckled. i scrunched my face some. who is they, and why are they crying? "it's a song that'll make them think about things. so i would say make sure you're ready to yaknow...talk to them."

"i'm grown, i don't have to talk to them."

"well, if that's how you think."

they have to be talking about onika and i. but why are we crying to a song? is she gonna diss us or some shit? i can come back at her ass. talk about how she threw up everywhere and shitted as a baby.

that wouldn't be fire though.

"just listen to the music." tasia sounded annoyed before playing something. i really wanted to hear so i made myself seen. putting my finger to my lips at kaila i tip toed to the couch.

it sounded like a country beat. i like it.

"is it too slow?"

"no. i think it's perfect. especially for the lyrics you're doing. i could definitely hear that. your voice is beautiful too tasia."

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