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"nicki! nicki! nicki!" i listened to everyone chant my name loudly

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"nicki! nicki! nicki!" i listened to everyone chant my name loudly. right now i'm late. literally late as hell and i've been talking to all of my fans through twitter. so they know i'm late and i will be coming out, but shit...i wasn't trying to be late like this.

it's not nicki minaj if she's not late.

Nicki Minaj :
I am so sorry y'all! Give me 5 mins

i tossed my phone and continued getting my mic connected. there's a specific way i like it connected to my back so that it doesn't bother me throughout the set. beyoncé came from around one of the curtains, looking at me confused. she knows i should've been out there. all i could do was shake my head because i don't know how the hell i'm late.

one second i was chilling on the couch, the next i was rushing to get dressed.

the twins were running all around, doing whatever. i couldn't even make them sit down right now. bey came and kissed me on my cheek before walking away. it went dead silent before i heard leyanas voice really loud.

"i love my mommy and mama and my twin brudder and everyone!"

my head snapped over to see she had the mic. oh my goodness. i could hear the crowd awing. good distraction babygirl. keep going. anything to take their minds off the fact that i'm forty five minutes late right now.

"brudder it's your turn!"

"i talk now. mommy have on a dwess with dots and it bwown. her have a big head and-"

"you posed to say you love them leon not be mean." leyana snatched the mic back from him. i couldn't do anything but laugh. they're so dramatic with each other. they don't do this to this others.

when i was all good, i sighed heavily taking the mic from them and turning it off. they both pouted but they'll be okay. that's enough of talking to the crowd anyways. they talk too much and will eventually start telling my business.

"bring out the twins! bring out the twins!"

i know damn well.... my eyes caught bey and she was just as confused as me. why do they wanna see my twins? do they not see enough of them on social media? i ignored that cause that won't be happening. at all.

this set is gonna be longer than it needs to. i prepared myself to walk out and when i did, they went crazy. clapping and shouting loudly.

let's get this show started.

i sat on the stairs getting ready to sing one of my most amazing songs ever. they heard the beat, immediately making noise as i smiled. this song doesn't fail to get me emotional. no one would ever believe what i was going through....i wanted to be saved.

"i drove for miles, just to find, you, and find myself. all these screams all these voices in my head. you gave me strength, gave me hope, for a lifetime. i never was satisfied."

they sung the chorus, and i smiled as the background singers did as well. this was such an amazing show and i'm so very thankful. no matter how long i'm gone, they still show the same love forever.

as the song went on, i sung with them. that's basically how it be. i sing with them, they don't sing with me. they be telling me to keep up damn near. i be trying chile.

when the ending came i stood there to look at them all. i was in an aw at the moment. it made me so much more excited about my tour.

"Pink Friday 2 in stores this Friday!" I announced making them go crazy. a giggle left my mouth when i caught eye of a guy literally turning up in the crowd. how cute. they'd been suspecting an album for so damn long based on seeing me in the streets and stuff lately. which is kinda rare cause i don't be out like that anymore.

i don't know how they be catching me.

before i left off the stage for good, i remembered they asked for the twins. this show was so good, i don't mind bringing them out now. i'm not hurting or anything so...i'm healed completely! beyoncé can gon on with that.

"twiinnsss." i spoke on the mic looking towards the curtain. the both of their heads poked out making me smile. when i waved them over they sprinted towards me and clung to my legs. 

leave it to leon, he started to climb up my body so i had no choice but to pick him up. next leyana wanted the same thing. i sighed heavily grabbing her next. they don't realize that they're getting bigger than me?

"hold the mic to mommy's mouth. thank you pretty girl."

they wanted to act all shy now like they weren't screaming these people ears off about an hour and a half ago. i can't believe them right now. all that energy they be having.

"say hi, y'all."

i chuckled at them hiding their faces and shook my head. now they don't wanna talk.  just as i was about to put them down, more kids came from behind the curtain with beyoncé.

aww boy. her big childish ass. the crowd went insane seeing her come out as well.

they basically took over the stage. my performance was over but they made their own. i put the twins down so they could join and they turned up. seeing their mama is what did it. they know she's gonna entertain them.

dancing with beyoncé and asia, it was hilarious. i never knew my kids could dance like that. that shows how much free time they have. i used to wonder why they wanted to go to beys house so bad but...this proves why.

kiara was talking to someone from the crowd, typing in her phone and getting what they said. the way she was bent over the stage blew me. this girl. beyoncé noticed that and went to her, dramatically grabbing her shirt and lifting her into the air. the crowd screamed.

i laughed getting them all together so we could go.

"thank you so much y'all! i love you all dearly and appreciate every single one of you. may god bless you all!" i blew them kisses while mushing antoine and asia. these two here were nearly wrestling on stage.

the twins took off and i ended up behind beyoncé who still held kiara in the air. she dropped her on the couch, simply walking off after.

"i liked his shirt, i was getting the instagram of where he got it from."

"so. you don't bend over no stage like that and you got on a skort girl."

"can we go now? i'm tired. y'all done already had us here for an extra hour cause y'all wanna turn up the stage." i chuckled at it again. having a big family is so much fun at times.

they're the party alone.

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