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"something not right bey

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"something not right bey."

i sighed heavily over the phone. goodness. let me take my ass to my wife. she all in pain and stuff, talking about everything hurt. in my opinion she's being dramatic because i wouldn't bring her what she asked for.

a bunch of bullshit.

but i don't care, if she said she's not feeling good then imma be at her service. even if that mean leaving a meeting early. it is what it is. they'll be alright.

"what's going on onika?"

"my stomach hurting so bad."

probably gotta shit. like i said she been asking for bullshit, so i been making weird ass cravings. then she be having the nerve to ask me to try it....tfawk, no!

"you just gotta use it."

"you don't know that."

i know that. but whatever.

my assistant held my bag as i got inside the truck with julius. she can never say i don't love her. i'll up and leave the world behind her even if its the slightest thing like her pregnant ass most likely just having to shit cause of what she ate.

and speaking of pregnant! the whole appointment went to shit. the girl threw up. so by time it was ultrasound time, she didn't want to go back in the room. i had to carry my baby out. she was sooo upset because she had on white too. we had just got her food. after fucking it up in that car, it came right back up.

which is making me real skeptical because throwing up is not one of her symptoms. ever.

"i'm on the way fat mama."

"dont call me that."

"that's what you acting like love." i got situated before we pulled off. we were good into that meeting and i was ready to go anyways. tired of smiling in people face about making money.

man get to the bread! they lucky my momma be there and i can't just be how i wanna be. she'll really tear my ass up in front of those people. but she be being realer than me. don't let it be something she don't like....

"daddy can you get me some-"

"nope. that's why your stomach hurting now." i mumbled. can't even see her face cause of the way she got the camera. i'm looking at the ring i bought her and a bonnet. which let me know that she was in mommy mode at some point. those kids will wear her down if she let them. i be telling her ass...belt to ass every time.

"you can't get me a soda? a sprite, doctor pepper?"

"oh. i thought you was finna say some bullshit. i can get you some ginger ale." why she want some other shit that could possibly make her hurt more? then she gon wanna lay on me all damn day until she feeling better. like that ass don't weigh a ton.

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