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this appointment better go right, i know that much

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this appointment better go right, i know that much. she better not throw up, cry, pout, none of that. all we need is for her to make it on the table for the ultrasound.

if she don't do that i'm gonna have to throw her little ass up there, i don't know. we can't go without an ultrasound though because the way she's been in pain gotta be serious.

we're getting the kids ready to go to my moms house this morning. they wanted to stay home alone but onika wasn't going for it. i feel like it's fine because we have teenagers. it's not all the way up to me though.

"just let the teenagers stay home nic and the little ones will go with my mom."

"our teenagers are sneaky."

"only one." i rolled my eyes. kiara's the only one that'll just need to be watched. and i wouldn't even say her completely because if she do something, that's an ass whooping.

it's on her.

"you gotta let them make their mistakes nic."

"their mistakes stress me the fuck out."

"cause you extra." it don't even be taking much stress, she do it to herself.

"whatever. they can stay but i'm not dealing with what happens. it's on you."

"that's fine mama." i kissed her head before going to tell them the news. they were all sitting in the third floor living room talking. when they saw me, their heads turned. "kaila, kiara and asia y'all can stay. antoine, twins. let's go."

"yes." the three girls said at different times and all walked off towards the rooms. i shook my head mushing the young three ahead of me. they didn't care.

maybe only antoine but he didn't show it. just went downstairs as i said. he probably just wanted to stay because of his game. my mama don't have them on games and phones when they at her house. they play and shit.

i went to the rooms though. peeking my head in one and the three girls were inside.

"don't do nothing that'll get your ass whooped please. i had to convince your mom to agree and she said if something happens it's on me. please don't make me have to whoop ass." i begged. i'm not trying to do that. it's been a little minute since i've last had to.

"kaila wouldn't allow it anyways." asia mumbled while rubbing her eye. that's why she wanted to stay, so she could go back to sleep. this is the room that she's always in.

"as she shouldn't. kiara use your head if you don't wanna be hit in it."

"y'all always give me extra words."

"cause you always do extra shit."

"alright mama." she huffed. i threw the peace sign up before closing the door back and heading down. onika had the kids in the car already so we just left.

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