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"i'm glad you came baby!" i ran towards my boyfriend

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"i'm glad you came baby!" i ran towards my boyfriend. jay is literally the love of my life and i appreciate him so much! he thought he wouldn't be able to come to the show because of basketball but he's here!

and he brought me flowers and gifts.

"you did good."

"thank you." i smiled up at him as my cheeks blushed with red. all i could do was give him my sweet smile cause my heart was pumping extra. "i love you."

"i love you too." he chuckled pulling me into a hug. i snuggled into him just taking in the warmth cause i was definitely cold. when i came this way i didn't have any shoes on cause i didn't expect to see him. i was supposed to be running to the front to get my phone and check our messages.

"come backstage so everyone can see you." i grabbed his hand and pulled him with me. he never goes against it when i want him to see my family. they think he's the sweet for me too.

although mama likes to give him these little glares. i think she does it to threaten him a bit. it doesn't bother me though cause he needs to know to never hurt me. ever. my love runs too deep for him and i'm sure they can see that.

"ya moms scare me, i ain't even gon lie."

"don't mind her, she's just protective."

"nah not the tall one, the short one. she be quiet as hell, i think she plotting to beat my ass." he laughed as we got to the door. i wouldn't have ever thought he would be scared of momma. but i can see it. her silence is deadly to us all.

"don't be afraid."

"nah it's nothing ma, for real. i'm the same way about my sister so i understand." he kissed my cheek and i nodded before opening the door. mama is still on stage but she should be coming back soon for an outfit change.

"ouuuu that's why you ran out there." tasia was first to notice him and she wiggled her eyebrows. everyone else gave us their attention and they smiled seeing him. yay the right reactions.

"hey y'all." he spoke to the little ones before personally speaking to the older ones and momma. she was all smiles talking to him while i stood back showing them to. i always let them talk without me in between because i want my boyfriend to have a bond with my mom.

i feel like that's something needed if this is gonna work.

"it's nice seeing you too." she gave him a little hug before going back to what she was doing.

"you still owe me five dollars." antoine came up to us with his hand out. jay chuckled before smacking his lips and pulled money out his pocket giving him a twenty dollar bill.

"there. so if you beat me again you won't have to beat me up for it."

"cause i will beat you up."

"don't merch it." jay surrendered and i chuckled grabbing his hand. i think they play the game together. i wouldn't be surprised because that's mostly what antoine does the reason we don't see him much around the house.

but i like that he has a bond with jay. it's sweet.

"you kaila boyfriend?" lele pulled on his pants and i picked her up. she has a scrunched up face making me pinch her little cheek. i love my little siblings so much, they're my whole heart.

their little questions make my day.

"yes ma'am."

"mm. i wanna boyfriend too, but mama say i can't cause i still her baby. so kai you not her baby no more?"

"i am, but i'm older now. when you get older you'll be able to have a boyfriend. as long as he's a good one."

"he a good boyfriend to you?"

"yes. he came to see me perform and he brought floowerrrss, and giffttsss." i tickled her a little. she giggled grabbing my fingers so i could stop. whew those teeth are coming out and she just snag.

"well he posed to be good or my brothers gonna beat him up! and me!" she held up her fist. i laughed softly pushing them down. this little girl is a mess. she been around momma too much and i can tell. i gave her a kiss before putting her down and she took off running.

we sat down together and i went through the gifts he brought me. they were some cute little two pieces from lululemon and some nike sweaters. i thanked him before giving him a kiss and taking pictures of it.

"so.... have you thought about your college thing?" i spoke softly giving him all my attention. this is something we've been having deep conversations about. it's already known where i'm going so, i just wanna make sure we're on the same page with where he's going so we can figure out the next steps in our relationship. "spelman is in atlanta."

"yes i figured it out, and you don't gotta worry about it alright? we gonna be good baby."

"but where are you going jay? you been stressing me out cause i don't wanna breakup. you saying you can't do long distance but i'm willing." i could feel my eyes watering up. every time we talk about it i get close to crying.

he just don't understand how much i love him.

"i'm going to clark, my love."



"you serious? stop playing." i softened up in case he was joking. my tears finally fell and i soon felt embarrassed until he pulled out his phone to show me. when i saw he was committed i screamed hopping up and down before jumping on him. "i love you so much, you just don't know."

"i love you too. you know i'm not leaving you. stop thinking like that. i know when i said i wasn't doing long distance messed with you, but i thought about it. we ain't even gotta do that no more."

i couldn't stop crying. all the time i thought we were gonna have to go our separate ways. i'm so happy right now.

"you be a bad boyfriend to my sister?!"

i had to sit up cause lele was on go mode.

"no lele, he's still a good boyfriend, i promise."

"oh ok. him better."



short asf got y'all tmrw.

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