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i have a looonnnggg day ahead of me

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i have a looonnnggg day ahead of me. with beyoncé being sick with a show today...i've been on my toes. making sure she has everything she needs so she won't have to do extra. then my baby having to be on the stage is making me ssoooo nervous.

she's nervous too cause she doesn't wanna mess up. i've seen her dance and my baby can kill it! and all i see is a mini beyoncé up there.

sitting in run throughs yesterday was such an amazing experience. it's like kaila has a totally new boost on her mama. their energy is unmatched. literally can't wait for the crowd to see.

"momma do you have a charger in your car still?"

"yea ki. come on before we're late."

kiara is my role dog today. she's the only one that jumped in the car with me so, i let her come. i'm sure she did that so we could go get something to eat cause i was definitely going to.

"wait, is tasia, taylen and amira coming?"

"i know tasia and amira are coming but i don't know about taylen. i thought he was still in houston."

"oh no he's back, i saw him the other day."

"really? where?" i glanced over at her as we got situated in the car. i'm confused on how she saw him when all the kids were home yesterday.

"um...it was late, he came and brought me something. nothing major."

"brought you something? like clothes or shoes? what'd he bring?"

she got quiet making me look over at her. one thing about kiara is that she's horrible at lying when it comes to me. the girl is a mini me so of course i can spot it quick.


"it was nothing important momma."

"kiara. look at me."

"mommmaaa. please don't do this to me."

"now." i stopped the truck and looked at her until she gave me her attention. she had an uneasy look on her face that told me it was something she had no business doing. "kiara."

"it was some weed momma."

"weed? you're smoking?" i had to ask the obvious question. it's like i was in disbelief, i couldn't even yell. who should i be mad at? her for smoking or her big brother for giving it to her. "kiara."

"yes momma i'm smoking."

"did taylen introduce you to that?"

"no...he just found out and told me the only way i could do it is if he knew and i was safe. he said he knew i wouldn't stop so...."

"kiara....alright." i just took a deep breath and drove off. everything was going wild in my brain. how...how did that even happen without anyone else noticing?

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