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"you said your stomach hurting?" i looked at onika kinda confused

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"you said your stomach hurting?" i looked at onika kinda confused. one thing about her is she doesn't really get sick. only one thing flew through my mind. nothing else.

"why you looking at me like that?" she mumbled from my bed. i looked down at my shorts and peeked inside to my dick. hold up.



"did you really get your tubes tied?"

"you think i lied?" she scrunched her face. i mean...not so much as lied but maybe she misconstrued? with the twins she was put to sleep during the surgery so...i don't know. she didn't push them out.

but what i do know is that i don't remember anything about tubes tied. she just told me and i was like...ok.

"have you checked your records for that?"

"bey we were in there so long."

which is true. she was in labor for a minute before it was announced she had to have an emergency surgery. they removed the babies and she was woken up once the medicine wore off. i was in the room the whole time....

there was one time i had to leave so maybe that's when they did the whole thing. i trusted her word for it. not that i wanted her to get it done because i didn't. it hurt my heart when she brought it up to me. but it was her choice.

"right...do you have the scar?"

"i have a scar beyoncé." she spoke like she was over it. i crawled up the bed and lifted her shirt. the way she rolled her eyes made her look like one of the kids.

"where?" i looked around.

"the only fucking scar on my stomach giselle."

"baby...that's your c section scar." i knitted my eyebrows. her stomach flat so i know i'm not missing it. and she can't be that damn slow.

"beyoncé get off of me."

"i'm just saying. look." i gestured to her stomach. she mushed me off and i smacked my lips. this woman ain't get no fucking tubes tied! "who told you that you got it?"

"i told the doctor bey, you acting like you weren't in there when i did." 

"yes you told em but did it happen? and how do you know it happened?"

she shrugged starting to ignore me. i watched her curl up and tuck her head under the covers. this girl pregnant. i'm not that damn dumb. she don't get sick and she starting to feel sick. it always start with her stomach hurting.


"giselle leave me alone."

"where your medical records at? don't you keep em printed?"


"where they at?" i grabbed my keys and slid some shoes on. i'm about to read through those records because it's not making sense. how she get her tubes tied with no scar?

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