Chapter One

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Chapter One:

**Phoebe let out a long exaggerated breath as she composed her self Infront of the mirror

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Phoebe let out a long exaggerated breath as she composed her self Infront of the mirror. Today was her first day at her intern ship at Mid-Wilshire station. She shouldn't feel nervous since her mother was the captain. She couldn't help but feel the anxiety creep on her.

She would hope everyone would like her and treat her normal, especially since she is Captain Andersons daughter. Phoebe sighed and grabbed her purse. Her sweater was neatly tucked into her blue jeans, and her feet were paired with black heels.

She walked down to her living room and seen her puppy sleeping on his bed. Phoebe didn't mind living by herself as soon as she turned 21 she moved out of her parent's house and moved into her own place. She liked the freedom she could stay up late, invite guys over, and do whatever she wanted.

Phoebe did another look over of her home before grabbing her keys and heading to the station.

Once she got to the station she could see officers scrambling to their designated areas. Phoebe wanted to avoid checking in with her mother. She wanted to do this on her own.

Phoebe looked down at the paper in her hands as she started to walk to the briefing room. Phoebe wasn't paying any attention to who was in front of her until she collided into someone's chest.

She looked up and met the eyes of a tall man in a uniform with blue eyes, and brown hair.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" she quickly apologizes. The man Infront of her gives her an intense glare which made her want to cripple in a ball and hide.

He leans closer to her "Did I say you can talk boot? You better pray I'm not your training officer. I will make your life a living hell boot" he threatens. She could practically feel his breath on her face.

Phoebe looks up and notices he isn't joking. She eyes his name badge as it reads 'Bradford'. For someone who is extremely hot he is an ass hole. She thinks to her self.

"I'm not-" she was cut off by him walking away with an eye roll. She scoffs "What a dick" she whispers.

Phoebe found the briefing room easily, considering it was just a glass room with a bunch of officers sitting down. She makes her way inside  as she sits in the front beside a female officer. The officer looks over at Phoebe confused  slightly as to why she wasn't wearing a uniform.

"Hi, I'm Lucy Chen. I'm a rookie" she introduced her self. Phoebe smiles in relief at her kindness "I'm Phoebe Anderson, I'm an intern here" she introduces.

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