Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen
Clean Cut
Contains Sexual Content

**Phoebe had been dating Tim for a couple of months now

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Phoebe had been dating Tim for a couple of months now. Things were going well with them. Tim had developed stronger feelings for Phoebe, he cared a lot about her, and would do anything for her.

Today Tim and Jackson were receiving the 'City of Light' Award after their shift. Both, Lucy and Phoebe couldn't stop talking about it this morning.

Phoebe walks on the side of Tim and Lucy "It is a big deal. Light of the City award? I thought you'd be happier. I planned my emotional day around it." Lucy says to him.

Phoebe laughs "I did too, but except for the fact that Tim doesn't even want the award" she jokes. Tim looks at Lucy "I don't do this for the medals and plaques, Boot." He says to her.

Lucy rolls her eyes while Phoebe smirks "Yes, only lesser cops enjoy recognition." She points out.

Tim nods his head "Exactly." He answers. Before continuing "Jackson's dedicated an entire shelf to his award?" He asks her.

Lucy smirks "He's building a cabinet from scratch." She says as she remembers their conversation from earlier.

Phoebe laughs "He knows how to do that?" She asks Lucy.

Lucy shakes her head no "Nolan's helping him." She says. Tim nods his head "Go fetch the gear bags, meet me at the shop" he tells Lucy.

Lucy nods her head getting the hint that Tim wanted to be alone for a few minutes with Phoebe. He pulls her into her office and shuts the door.

She looks up at him "Hi" she says in a whisper. Tim smiles at her the whole mean cop act was just a tough guy act that he put on. To Phoebe he was the softest and gentlest man she knew.

He wraps his arms around her lower back "Hi, I was hoping we'd get a few minutes together" he tells her. She nods her head agreeing with him, he leans down and closes the gap between them. Their lips locking into an embrace.

Phoebe moans slightly when his tongue enters her mouth he smirks into the kiss, his hands trailing down her body. Oh how much he wanted to fuck her right in the office, but he couldn't.

Phoebe pulls away "I think you were meant to be out there three minutes ago" she points out. Tim looks at the time and sighs.

"I know, but I just can't get enough of you" he says to her, adjusting his pants and shirt. She smiles widely and fixes her outfit "I know, I'm pretty amazing right?" She jokes.

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