Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight
Plain Clothes Day

**Phoebe looked at her outfit through the mirror

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Phoebe looked at her outfit through the mirror. She smoothed out the non-existent wrinkles out of her shirt. She thought she looked good, she was wearing a light purple shirt and some jeans. Her hair was wavy, and makeup simple.

She didn't know why she was so focused on her appearance, was it because Tim was picking her up? She didn't know. Although it was quite obvious. Tim, and Phoebe's friendship seemed different to the two of them. Phoebe was growing strong feelings for Tim, and she hoped he felt the same way.

Phoebe never really struggled with confidence, her mother had always taught her to be confident with whatever she did.

Phoebe heard her phone vibrate from the nightstand. Snapping her self out of her thoughts she walks over and picks it up.
Tim: I'll be there in five minutes. It says, Phoebe looks over at the disaster left in her bedroom.

She shrugs not wanting to deal with the mess at the moment. "I will deal with this later" she says.

Phoebe gathers her things in her bag, and walks into the kitchen. Her dog Beau, was at the door as his tail was wagging furiously. Phoebe looks over at the door and senses someone was here.

She assumes it was Tim, she walks over to the door seeing Tim standing on the other side. Phoebe opens the door and smiles "Good morning, I'm just getting my stuff. Then I'll be ready" she says stepping aside and letting him in.

Tim nods his head and steps inside he looks down at the dog who was ready to jump on him in excitement.

"He's one excited dog" he says with a laugh. Phoebe nods her head "Yeah, we don't get much visitors" she says with a laugh. She continues to pack her things, as Tim is giving the puppy attention.  Her German Shepard was now 5 months old, and getting bigger as the days went by.

Phoebe picks up her bag and walks over to Tim who seemed to really like Beau. "Beau likes you" she says with a smile. Tim stands up and nods his head "He does. He's going to be a big dog" he jokes noticing how big his paws were.

Phoebe nods and slings her bag over her shoulder. Tim notices and takes the bag off of her "Ive got it" he says to her. Phoebe thanks Tim and follows him outside.


The drive to work with Tim this morning was pleasant. Tim and Phoebe had talked about everything, and it was no secret that they had feelings for each other. The way Tim looked at Phoebe was with admiration, and love. It made him feel young again. It also made him forget about Isabel.

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