Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve
The Checklist
A month later

**A month had gone by since the death of Phoebes mother

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A month had gone by since the death of Phoebes mother. During that time she had finally agreed to go through intense mental therapy to prepare herself for the first day of work. During that time Phoebe had also stopped talking to her friends, including Tim. She felt like she needed space in order to move past her mother's death.

But, as time went on guilt started to kick in as she was ignoring the texts from Tim, And her friends. She didn't want to ignore them, especially with Tim since they were growing their relationship together. But, she wasn't ready to date yet.

Phoebe had also went through physical changes during the month span, she bought new clothes, died her hair back to light brown, and started to work out more. It was the only thing that distracted her mind.

Phoebe sighs as she takes a deep breath looking into the mirror. She was dressed in creme colored slacks, with a black shirt tucked in. Her hair was curled, and makeup was simple. Phoebe smoothed out the wrinkles on her outfit before glancing down at the black pin that was clipped to her shirt. She smiled "I'm ready mom" she says grazing the fabric.

She does another look over before grabbing her things and leaving.

When Phoebe had gotten to the station she had took a couple of minutes to recollect her thoughts to prepare herself before entering the station. It had been a month, and she was slowly starting to get back to routine.

Phone sighs and grabs her bag before stepping out of her car "I can do this" she says with a small smile on her face. She starts to walk to the entrance immediately welcomed by noises from different officers who were talking, and different pagers going off.

Phoebe walks over to newly appointed Watch Commander Sergeant Grey. He places his paper work down and smiles at the brunette.

"Phoebe, how are you?" He says before pulling her into a hug. Phoebe smiles and nods afraid to use her words. Grey sighs, he could sense the anxious feeling she was going through.

He closes the door behind her before grasping her arm gently.

"Listen Phoebe, I am here for you, Luna is here for you. Whatever you need please come to me" he says. Phoebe nods her head "Thank you Sergeant Grey" she says.

He nods his head and hands her, her newly rose gold badge that said her name and title on it. He had held onto it, until she was ready to come to work. She smiles and grazes her finger tips over the engraving.

He watches her a moment before speaking "I'll see you out there" he says. Phoebe smiles and clips her badge onto her waistband. She thanks Grey once more before exiting his office. Phoebe quickly goes into the locker room putting her bag into the locker. She gives her self one more pep talk before she grabs her notebook.

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