Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen
First Date

**Today was Phoebe, and Tim's first date

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Today was Phoebe, and Tim's first date. The two of them were looking forward to it all week. Each day that had went on the excitement and anxiety arose. On the other hand, Phoebe did well her first week back to work. She adjusted well, and was able to disconnect from work at the end of the day. Phoebe, had also attended therapy for the week as she managed to stop cancelling on her therapist.

Phoebe was home in nothing but her robe as she looked at her options that were laid out on her bed. Lucy was on FaceTime as she helped the Brazilian decide.

She held up an outfit in front of the camera "How about this one?" She asks Lucy. It was simple short black dress.

Lucy nodded her head "Yes, that's the one" she tells her. Phoebe smiled "Perfect, thanks Lucy. I'll let you know how it goes" she says.

Lucy nods her head "You better, don't have sex on the first date, but if you do I won't judge" she says before hanging up.

Phoebe laughs as she shakes her head. She slips on the black dress that stopped at her mid thigh, it was a cute simple black dress, the dress hugged her waist, and slightly stuck out at the bottom.

She paired the dress with a pair of strap heels, and her makeup and hair done. Her phone started to vibrate as a text from time to Tim came through.

I will be there in five minutes ;) it read. Phoebe looked at the mess in her room. Clothes scattered on the floor, as well as her makeup bag on her vanity. Her room was a disaster.

She shrugs "I will take care of this later" she says. She grabs her purse that she chose for the night and walked down stairs. Her doorbell rang as Beau ran to the door in excitement.

Phoebe was a bit nervous but not fully, she honestly had been looking forward to the date all week. She grasps the door handle and opens the door, Tim stands on the other side of the door dressed in a button down shirt, with jeans.

He had pink tulips in his hand. He looks over at Phoebe and scans her body from head to toe. His eyes widened "You look beautiful Pheebs" he tells her. She smiles a blush formed onto her cheeks.

"Thank you, you look handsome" she says taking the flowers that were stretched out to her. She thanks him for the flowers, before placing them in a vase on her counter.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks her, Phoebe nods her head and follows Tim outside to his truck.

The atmosphere was nice, Tim had picked a beautiful outdoor restaurant. Which Phoebe was in love with. The place was decorated with string lights, subtle music, and the stars and moon illuminated the sky.

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