Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty
The Dark Side 2

Chapter Twenty The Dark Side 2

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Phoebe had never been intrigued yet disturbed at the same time. As they were hiking at the trail that Rosalind had described she couldn't help but think about someone so twisted could do this. Every glance Phoebe took towards Rosalind she analyzed every aspect of her trying to piece together more than what the officers and D.A knew.

Tim looks over at Phoebe "Are you okay? I know this must be a little anxiety inducing" he asks her as they walk on the side of each other. Phoebe nods her head "The biology is really fascinating, Brain-scan research shows clear differences in the amygdala and the supramarginal gyrus of a signature killer. " Phoebe tells Tim. Tim raised an eyebrow he knew she was nervous as she was just babbling information.

Tim smirks "You're such a nerd" he jokes to her. Phoebe smiles. She looks over at Rosalind who was looking at Nick "Couldn't ask for a nicer day for a hike. Dating anyone, Nick? It's been five years since Rebecca died. Time to get back on that horse, don't you think? You must have needs." Phoebe rolls her eyes as she listens to Rosalind's sick mind game.

Nolan jumps into the conversation "That's enough." He warns.

Rosalind smirks at Nolan "Ooh. You have a protector here, Nick. Officer Nolan has your back. He must not know what you did to catch me." She says before continuing " I love this hike. Sometimes, early in the morning, you'll see rabbits darting along the trail. And, of course, the coyotes come out at night." She says in awe as she reminisces disturbing memories.

Nolan slightly becomes out of breath as the trudge along the hill "How did you carry a body all the way up here?" He asks her. Phoebe looks over at Rosalind.

Rosalind smirks "Oh, he was still alive at this point. Thought we were going on a picnic. There was a moment, as we got deeper in the woods, when he showed just a sliver of fear, but then he remembered he was a man and didn't have to worry about things like that." She says.

Phoebe looks over at Tim "She's enjoying this" she tells him. He nods his head agreeing "I know, she's very sick and twisted" he says to her.

Phoebe nods her head "She's smart, I mean to have killed for that long undetected. Unless theirs a play we're not seeing" Phoebe points out. Tim shrugs and follows Rosalind and the others up the hill.

"Yeah, to jerk around the police, feel like she's in control again, that's her play." He says to her. Phoebe nods her head as the group reaches a clearing and Rosalind stops walking.

Rosalind looks at the others "We should take a break. It's gonna be a long day. We wouldn't want to burn out too early." She says to them.

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