Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen
Fall out

**Phoebe and Tim were officially dating again

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Phoebe and Tim were officially dating again. He took her on a couple of dates since he talked things out with her. They were taking things slow, as Phoebe waited for Tim to ask her to be his girlfriend. Tonight, Tim and Phoebe were going out on another date after their shift.

Phoebe was dressed in something light, it was extremely hot outside with a massive heat wave that was hitting the city. She kept her puppy home today, so he could stay in the air conditioning.

Phoebe was dressed in a work appropriate summer dress, with her hair down and make up very minimal due to the heat.

Phoebe grabs her things, when she hears Tim's truck pull to the front of the house. She walks outside her sandals lightly hitting the pavement. Tim sits in the drivers seat his eyes scanning his future girlfriend's body, stopping at her eyes.He thought she looked beautiful, almost too good for work.

"You look beautiful today" he says to her as she gets into the truck. Phoebe smiles and puts her sunglasses in her bag "Thank you, it's way too hot to wear pants today" she jokes.

He nods and agrees with her his eyes scanning her tan legs briefly.

They got to the station after Tim had stopped at her favorite coffee shop. She turns her body in her seat once Tim's truck stops in a parking spot.

He looks over at her and leans over to peck her lips "I will see you later, I'm excited for tonight" he tells her. Phoebe smiles a small blush on her face. She wasn't used to being kissed by Tim yet. She felt like a high schooler again. Tim liked to kiss her at any chance he got.

"I'll see you later Tim, be safe out there" she gets out of the truck and makes her way inside.

She sees Jackson, Nolan and Lucy talking to each other "It is hot as the surface of the sun out there." Nolan says to them.

Phoebe nods and agrees with them "Yep. Gonna be like that all week. Good thing we're all in short sleeves now." Jackson points out.

Lucy scoffs "The uniforms are still wool. Today's gonna be a nightmare." She says before looking over at Phoebe "Also, who brought you to work today? I didn't see your car?" She asks.

Phoebe looks around no one was in ear shot. Only Lucy and Angela knew about her and Tim. "Tim, he brought me to work. We're going on another date tonight" she says.

Jackson holds the door open for them "That's so cute, I wonder when he's going to ask you out officially" she says.

Phoebe shrugs and follows them into the briefing room. She sits down in her usual spot as Sergeant Grey appears at the front.

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