Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen
Free Fall
Part 1 

**Phoebe and Tim had went on two more dates after their first

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Phoebe and Tim had went on two more dates after their first. The two were attempting to take things slow, minus the fact that they slept together their first date. Phoebe blamed it on the heat of the moment, and the glasses of wine she had consumed.

Tim however, he didn't want to rush into anything with Phoebe. He truly liked her, and wanted to be in a relationship with her but, he wanted to do it the right way. They both enjoyed having sex with one another. The intimate act made them feel connected, and more protective over each other. Especially Tim.

Phoebe rolled out of bed this morning, she had gotten herself ready for another day at the station. Sometimes the station got boring for her, because her presence wasn't always needed. She slightly hoped there would be some sort of crime that happened, where she was needed to analyze.

Phoebe giggles to herself, as she probably jinxed her self from her thought. She gets dressed in cream colored dress pants, with a light blue shirt tucked in.

She gathered her belongings for the day, and went out the door, unaware of what today was going to bring her.

When Phoebe got to the station she went into the briefing room, and saw majority of her colleagues sitting down. Phoebe took a seat next to Angela and Tim.

She looks over at Tim who smirked at her, they had been texting non stop, and also hanging out, outside of work. Phoebe was just waiting for Tim to officially ask her out.

Grey looks over at everyone, the officers falling silent from their conversation.

"So, all right. Big day ahead. Rookies will work the first six hours of their shift on patrol, then come back to take the written test. Hey, try not to tire them out this morning. Just take the easy calls, okay?" He explains.

Tim scoffs "I don't do easy" he says. Grey looks over with a stern look on his face "But you do follow direct orders, am I right, Officer Bradford?" He asks him.

Tim nods his head "Yes sir" he says.

Grey continues on "Good. Easy, then. Following the written exam, you three will report to the Chief's office, where he will personally administer the oral exam. Remember, he can fail you for a dozen different reasons, so make sure you're on point. You are all dismissed" he says.

Everyone including Phoebe gets up, and walks out of the room. Tim catches up to her and grasps her forearm carefully.

"Hey" he says causing her to turn around, as she was going to the direction of her office.

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