Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine
Green Light
Part 1

**One week, exactly 7 days Phoebe had until she crossed the stage

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One week, exactly 7 days Phoebe had until she crossed the stage. She finally finished finals, she prepared her valedictorian speech with the help of Jackson. She had passed all of her classes with an A. She was relieved it was finally done.

Phoebe glanced over at the cap and gown that hung up behind her door. She was over the moon with emotions. She couldn't wait. Tim and Phoebe had texted each other daily. He would check in on her during shift, and at night when she was up preparing for finals. The day also grew closer to their date.

Phoebe gets to the station and immediately finds her mother in her office. She knocks on the door before walking in.

"Hey mom, you texted me that you wanted to see me" she says. She closes the door behind her. She sees Sergeant Grey in the office as well, as he offers a smile.

"I did, Sergeant Grey and I have some exciting news we want to share with you" she says. Phoebe nods as she looks over at Grey. He hands her a velvet box "Congratulations, as of next week you will be officially Phoebe Anderson, Criminal Analyst of Mid-Wilshire" he says with a smile.

Phoebe smiles widely and opened the box seeing a rose-gold badge with her last name, and newly official title. Her mother looks over at her with a proud look, as she could tear up. Her daughter worked very hard, and she was more than happy.

Phoebe gives Grey, and her mother a hug "Thank you so much" she says. Zoe nods her head "You deserve it Phoebe, now to celebrate tonight we're going to your favorite sushi place" she says with a wink.

Phoebe shakes her head in excitement "Sounds good mom. Thank you both again!" She says before exiting the office.

When she got down the stairs she immediately found Tim at her desk. She walks over in a slight rush as she wanted him to be the first to get the news. He looks over at her seeing her face beam in excitement.

"Woah there, you're in a good mood. I'm assuming it's not from me" he says to her. She shakes her head and hands him the box. She watches as he opens the box his eyes widen "Oh my god Pheebs, this is amazing" he says.

She agrees with him she felt like she was on cloud nine, and nothing could ruin that for her.

"I know right, I'm literally the Penelope Garcia, of Mid-Wilshire. I start next week" she says putting the box into her bag.

He furrows his eyebrows together not understanding the reference. Which didn't go unnoticed by Phoebe "The what?" He asks.

Phoebe rolls her eyes "Penelope Garcia, you know the criminal analyst from Criminal Minds?" She says as if it was obvious to who she was referring to.

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