Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen
The Dark Side part 1
Contains Sexual content

**A few weeks went by, Phoebe was now dressed in a short jean skirt, with a body suit tucked in, and heels

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A few weeks went by, Phoebe was now dressed in a short jean skirt, with a body suit tucked in, and heels. Tim had dropped off Phoebe at the bar as she was planning on getting a few drinks with her friends. He had informed her that he would pick her up when she was ready to come back to his place.

During the last few weeks Tim's feelings grew and he was waiting to tell her the 3 words she was waiting to hear.

Nolan looks over at Jackson as they all were having a conversation. Phoebe was two shots deep. "No, but seriously, what is it like dating a celebrity?" Nolan asks.

Jackson smiles "Awesome. Yeah, he can always get a reservation, and the parties are sick." He says causing Lucy to groan.

"Well, we're happy that you're happy." She says taking a sip of her drink.

Detective Armstrong looks over at Lucy "Liar." He says with a chuckle.

Lucy looks flustered "No! No. I am. It's just Aah! Men suck" she says with a loud groan. Phoebe laughs at Lucy.

She turns to Phoebe "Don't laugh Pheebs, you're literally dating my T.O which in fact he's still mean to me" Lucy points out.

Phoebe shrugs looking down at her phone seeing another text message from Tim I miss you beautiful. It says as she reads to herself.

Phoebe smiles and types out a message her vision slightly blurry I can't wait to see you, I am fucking shitfaced. She types before sending.

She locks her phone and looks over at Lucy who grabs the empty pitcher and Phoebes empty shot glass. "I got it" She says standing up. Phoebe stands up and adjusted her skirt as she follows Lucy to the bar.

"Sorry. Excuse me." Lucy says elbowing her way through the crowd. Phoebe follows behind "Excuse me!" Lucy says as she tries to flag down the bartender.

An attractive man sitting at the bar speaks up. He looks over at the two "Pace yourself. It's a marathon, not a sprint." He tells the two.

Lucy and Phoebe look over at the man "Have you been waiting here long?" Lucy asks. Phoebe smirks slightly "What month is it?" He asks.

Lucy giggles "Ohh. Maybe we should just hop the counter." Lucy suggests. Phoebe wanted to gag at Lucy's poor attempt to flirt.

He grins and puts his hand out for her to shake "Caleb." He introduces look over at Lucy and then Phoebes, his eyes lingering onto hers.

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