Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen
Warriors and Guardians

Chapter SixteenWarriors and Guardians

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After Phoebe's drunken night she was taken home, tucked into bed with a bottle of water on her night stand. Tim couldn't express his feelings to her not in the drunk state she was in. He knew she wouldn't remember anything form the night. When he had gotten home, he felt immediate guilt as he imagined what he put her through. So, he sent her a simple messages in hopes they could talk everything out.

When morning rolled around Phoebe had groaned and slammed her hand on top of her phone in attempts to silence her alarm clock.

The piercing pain in her head started to bother her, and her stomach felt nauseous from all the drinking she did "I'm never drinking again" she says into her pillow.

Memories from last night start to flood her memory as she lets out an exaggerated sigh. She comes to realization, after being four shots deep into tequila, she completely remembered the kiss she shared with Tim.

"What the actual fuck?" She says her hand covering her face in embarrassment. Phoebe lays in bed for a moment longer before she starts to get out of bed and get her self ready.

"So, did you get your two McChickens?" Jackson asked Phoebe as they were walking to the briefing room.

Lucy and Nolan laugh as Phoebes cheeks turn pink "Ugh, I can't believe you guys associate my drunk self with McChickens." She says.

Jackson laughs "Well, we associate your McDonalds talk when you're 4 shots deep into tequila. " he points out.

Phone groans "Don't say the word tequila again" she says.

They walk into the briefing room and Phoebe parts from her friends as she sits in her usual seat. She looks over and sees Tim sitting down in his usual seat.

He looks over at her and gives her a small smile and nod. Phoebe turns her attention back to the front as she becomes embarrassed. She feels her phone vibrate.

We need to talk after shift.. and it's not going to be about the McDonalds run we had yesterday.

Phoebe internally groans when she reads the text message from Tim. The embarrassing feeling from earlier returning. Of course she had to embarrass her self.

Grey walks into the room and immediately everyone stops their conversation. He scans the room "We have a new Training Officer joining us this morning, Detective Nyla Harper." He says, but he doesn't see her in the room.

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