Chapter 17: Breaking Point

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*Amelia's P.O.V*

~2 Weeks Later~

As the two weeks of damn torture went by, I had to endure being Gage's bitch for the two weeks. Jon had become fed up, but Rob kept me safe.


"I want a real challenge, someone come out and face me!!" Gage shouted into the mic, that's when Rob's music plays.

He gets into the ring and they get in each other's face and start talking trash to each other, all of a sudden, Jon's music plays and he storms out of the curtain, only wearing black punk shorts and trainers. He looks at me before getting in the ring with the rest of us, Gage, "You don't even think about it you little bitch!" He snarls.

Jon's expression becomes darker, a producer hands him a mic. "You have two things that belongs to me, my girl... and my title." he sneers, then the match gets underway. I slide out of the ring and let them fight, Drake Younger comes up behind me and tries to pick a fight with me, but I ignore him and continue to watch the match. Drake pushes me, I push back, making him fall over.

Jon quickly glances at me, then quickly focuses on the match. All of a sudden, Drake grabs me and puts in for 'Drake's Landing', but I counter and put him in a 'Shirley Temple', a headlock DDT. Jon and Rob are the only two in the ring, they battle it out, having Jon pick up the win. I slide into the ring, he picks me up in a hug and spins me around. He dips me, stealing a passionate kiss.

"Did you miss me, baby?" He asks, gently resting his hand against my cheek, I lean into it.

"Yeah." I answer, he smirks. We head backstage after a few minutes, Jon gives me a quick kiss before filming a promo. As I wander around the halls, I feel that someone is following me.

All of a sudden, I am grabbed by a random person and slammed against the wall. My vision blurs, but I immediately recognize who it is. "Did you miss me, doll?" Liam whispers, I scream before he knocks me out with a chloroform rag.

*Jon's P.O.V*

After the director calls cut, I hear a blood chilling scream, 'Amelia.' I think, I run to find the source, bumping into Rob in the process. "Did you hear that too?" He asks, sounding out of breath.

"Yeah, let's split up." I say, we go our separate ways to find her.

*Amelia's P.O.V*

I wake in a dark room, knowing that I was still in the gymnasium. Liam barges in, I gasp in fright as I catch the stench of alcohol. "Liam?"

"If you want to see your precious Jon Moxley again, you keep your mouth shut." he snarls, grabbing my hair. I cry out in pain, he slaps me and that pisses me off.

I lash out, punching him and kicking him away from me. He stumbles away from me, I bolt for the door and run out to the blinding light. I watch as Jon comes down the hall, Liam pulls me in a choke hold as he pulls out a gun. "Don't come any closer, Jon." he warns, Jon freezes.

*Rob's P.O.V*

I continue searching for Amelia, then I hear the sound of a gun being taken off safety. 'Oh no...' I think, running to find Amelia in a choke hold by some guy. I notice the gun and I freak out, Jon is frozen in place, but his fists were clenched.

*Jon's P.O.V*

I clench my fists in anger, "What the fuck is that gonna do besides make me mad?" I snarl, Liam smiles evilly.

"If I can't have her," Liam points the gun to Amelia's head, "Then no one will." he sneers, my eyes widen.

"Go on then, do it!" Amelia snaps, "I'm not afraid of dying!"

"Ammy, no." I panic, she looks at me.

"Russian roulette." Liam smirks, "That's my girl!" He says with pride, "I'll go first!" He says with excitement, Amelia elbows him and fights out his grip, That's when the gunshot sounds. Amelia holds her side while Rob tackles him, I immediately rush to Amelia.

"Ammy! Ammy, stay with me!" I panic, I pick her up and carry her to the infirmary.

*Amelia's P.O.V*

The pain was unbearable, it stung like a bumblebee sting but ten times worse. "It hurts, it hurts too much." I whimper, holding my side as the blood continues to seep through the gunshot wound. He lays me down on the nurse bed, I look at my bloody hand and I begin to panic.

"Ammy, don't freak out." Jon warns me, I take deep breaths.

"Gunshot wound. Alright, remove your hand an I'll pull it out on three." the doctor assures me, I look at Jon before removing my hand. "Ok, one-" I scream in pain as he quickly pulls the bullet out.

"What happened to two and three?!" Jon snaps, I'm too out of breath to speak.

"Two, three!" He just shrugs, Jon growls.

"Jon." I grab his hand, "don't worry about it right now." he looks at me and calms down.

"I could kill him for him shooting you." he growls, I sigh.

"He was drunk, Jon." I say, this pisses him off.

"Oh! So now you're defending him?! Well maybe you should go with the psycho!" He snaps, my brows furrow with rage.

"Then I guess that I shouldn't be with you!" I snarl, his eyes slowly turn green.

"Take that back, Ammy." he says, trying to stay calm.

"Maybe if you had a proper family, you wouldn't be such a sick man." I snarl, his eyes widen.

"Ok, all done." the doctor says awkwardly, I sit up. Rob walks in, Jon storms out in anger.

Rob looks at me, "Argument?" He asks, I just nod, "Need a place to crash?" He asks, I nod again. I throw my arm over his shoulders, I wrap my arms around his waist while he does the same. He half carries me to help me get my gym bag, "You can crash with me." he says, I nod.

We drive to his apartment, which is a mile from Jon's apartment. "I shouldn't have defended him." I shake my head.

Rob sighs, "He'll be alright, watch him call in a couple minutes." he says, and on cue, Rob's phone rings.

*Jon's P.O.V*

Rob picks up his phone, "Hello?" He calls, I sigh.

"Is Amelia with you?" I ask.

"I'll put her on the phone." He sighs, once I hear her voice relax, "Yeah?"

I sigh, "I'm sorry, Ammy. I shouldn't have said what I said." I apologize, she sighs.

"Jon.... I think we should take a break. Just a breather for a couple weeks." I gasp a little.

"Ammy, I-" she cuts me off.

"Jon, don't make me feel any worse than I already feel... good-bye, Mox." Then she hangs up.

I drop my phone, "Fuck!" I shout, punching the wall.

Battered and Broken: (Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose Fanfiction) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now