Chapter 28: Ready, set...

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*Amelia's P.O.V*


Jon and I have been packing the little things we have in boxes, ever since Jon and I got our letters from FCW, we've been trying to figure out our moving plan. I bend to pick up the tape, Jon slaps my ass. "Jon!" I whine, he laughs.

"Aww come on! It was out there!" He laughs, I sigh loudly and tape the box with my stuff in it. I walk into our bare bedroom, sighing with sadness. Jon walks over to me, "What's wrong, Ammy?" He asks, resting his hands on my hips.

"This apartment carries too many memories." I answer, he smiles and pecks me on the lips.

"Just the city in general, carries memories." He agrees, I nod, "But you know what? We can make new ones in Florida." I nod, "Come on, we've left all our indies behind except HWA." He takes my hand in his and we leave the house for a few hours.

*Jon's P.O.V*

I glance at Amelia, she's staring out her window, I hold her hand, 'I have to admit I'm going to miss Cincinnati.' I think, we park at the HWA corporation. "Ready?" I ask, she nods. We both get out of the car, walking hand-in-hand into the building. Everyone was shaking hands with us, we make our way to Thatcher's office....

"You two were amazing to have in HWA, I hope to see you in WWE kicking some ass!" Thatcher says, Amelia smiles.

"That's the plan, Les, FCW is the start." She says, I wrap my arm around her waist.

"Well..." Thatcher shakes both our hands, "Come back and visit sometime, that's if we're still here." He jokes, we nod and wave as we leave his office.

"You ready?" I ask, she nods. We walk back to the car and take off back to our place to finish packing, once we do we collapse on the bed. She rest her head on my chest, "We stop at Stanford before we get to Florida." I say, she sighs.

"As if the drive wasn't long enough." She groans, I laugh.

"Hey, once we get there, we'll just sleep on the floor for the night because... I'll be too tired to move anything." I say, she chuckles.

She shifts so that she's straddling me, "Baby, do you really think that we'll make it in Florida?" she asks, I smirk. I'm about to answer when we hear a phone go off, making us both sit up, we end up hitting each other in the forehead.

"OUCH!!" we shout at the same time, then we burst out laughing, laying back down and ignoring the phone.

"Ok," I lay myself on top of her, snuggling into her boobs and chuckle as she tousles my hair, "Let's take a break and nap." I give a fake yawn, Amelia scoffs.

"A break? We just got home." she chuckles, I smirk and snuggle her chest again. I can feel her roll her eyes, "Jon, come on, we have to finishing packing." she whines, I chuckle.

"Nope." I answer, she huffs and tries to sit up, only to be pulled back down.

The phone rings, I groan and let her go to grab the phone. She grabs it off her nightstand and answers it, "Yello?" She says, her eyes widen, which makes me sit up, "Ok, April calm down, speak slower so I can understand." She says, 'Something's wrong.' I think. "What?!" She shrieks, "Oh god, I'll be there as soon as I can." She hangs up and looks at me.

"What's going on, baby?" I ask, tears well up in her eyes.

"Reba got in a car accident with a drunk driver and she's in the hospital." She says, my eyes widen.

"We need to go, now." I grab her arm and the keys and takes the car to drive to the hospital.

*Amelia's P.O.V*

~At the Hospital~

We waited in the waiting room with April and Sam, "Where's Colby?" April asks.

"He's in Florida." I call him, and he picks up.

"What's up, Squirt?" He asks, I frown.

"Colby, I got some bad news. Reba's in the hospital." I say, he goes silent for a few minutes.

"She's what?!" He shouts, "Oh no, I feel like a terrible boyfriend!" He wails, I start crying with him.

"She was hit by a drunk driver, it's not your fault." I assure him, he sobs.

"I shouldn't have left." He whispers.

"Colby, just hurry back as soon as you can ok?" I say, trying to make this situation better.

"Do you think I can make it in time?" He asks, I nod.

"Yeah, we'll keep you posted." He hangs up. The doctor comes out to meet us, "hopefully this is good news."

"Are you guys family?" We nod, "Well, she's severely injured. But she might make it and recover normally, she awake so you can see her." We all follow him to Reba's room, she was wrapped up from almost head to toe.

"Hey, sissy." I say, she smiles weakly.

"Hey Ammy, where is Colby?" I get teary eyed once more.

"I just called him to let him know what happened. He says he'll be here as soon as he can." I explain, she attempts to shake her head.

"Don't. I don't want him to see me like this... Besides, I think I won't make it through the night." She rasps, my eyes widen.

"Don't say that, Rebbie." April sobs, Reba smiles weakly.

"You guys know I'm right, I can't fight like Amelia. Just... Just tell Colby I love him." That's when the monitor goes to a straight line.

Soooooo sorry for the long wait guys and for the short chapter, I've had some crap to deal with for the past year and man did it suck! So here you guys go, a make up chapter for ya!

Battered and Broken: (Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose Fanfiction) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now