Chapter 12: Getting Popular and Going to Court

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*Amelia's P.O.V*

Ever since Jon and I have become the power couple in CZW, once again, I've been saving up money to go to therapy. My doctor suggested that today would be a good day to bring Jon with me, which became an awkward and intense session...

Jon and I wait in the main office, and I can tell that he's a little nervous. "Do I really have to stay here?" he asks, I look at him.

"Jon, it won't take that long... I promise." I assure him, he gives me a sharp nod.

"Amelia York?" My doctor calls, we walk into her office and sit on the brown leather sofa against the wall by the door, "I believe this is your boyfriend, I'm Danielle Mendez, Amelia's therapist." they quickly shake hands, "So," she sits in her arm chair with a pad and pen, "I'm sure the wrestling careers are going along well."

I nod, "Jon and I are together once again, they just love the 'Crazy Power Couple'. It's fun though, even though I'm undefeated and everything." I explain, she smirks.

"Hmm... how is the relationship, by the way?" she asks, raising her eyebrows.

I smile, feeling my cheeks heat up. "He gave me a promise ring." I squeak, I sneak a peek at Jon, whose cheeks are already red.

Her eyes widen, "Wow. That's a big step!" She says, approving of Jon. "And last week, you talked your court date for the abuse charges on Liam, right?"

I nod, "I'm glad that the bastard is getting what he deserves, it takes less stress off of you." Jon says, I smile.

"I see that you know of Liam?" she asks, Jon nods.

"I went to school with him, he is a twisted son of a bitch." Jon admits, my eyes widen and I bite my lip, 'Jonathan Good... you always have to use a cuss word or phrase in everything you say.' I think, rolling my eyes.

The rest of the session went well, very small and quick like every other session.


*Jon's P.O.V*

I kiss Amelia's forehead before laying her down in bed, then Robert and I hang out in the living room while she rests before 3:30pm, since she had to go to court.

"How have you guys been holding up?" Robert asks, I smile at the question.

"We're doing great, man. Honestly, we could get married if we wanted to." My eyes widen at what I just said, 'Do I really want to?' I think.

Rob whistles low, "That's a big step, Jon. Are you up for that?" he asks.

I shrug, "Honestly, I don't know, man... we'll see what happens." That's when I check the time, "Well, have to wake my girl up." I stand up from the couch and head to my room. Instead of finding her asleep in bed, I find her in the corner of the room in a fetal position. "You ok, Ammy?" I ask, she nods, but I could tell that she was shaking all over. "Hey, you'll be ok, Rob and I will be there ok?" she nods and I pick her up, carrying her to the bathroom.

*Amelia's P.O.V*

-At the Courthouse-

I begin to shake as I sit next to my lawyer, I wasn't scared, I was nervous. "You'll be alright, don't worry." my lawyer, Jackson assures me. I nod with understanding, 'No shit, Sherlock.' I think.

"We call Amelia York, to the stand."Liam's lawyer calls, I take a deep breath and sit in the stand, after saying the oath, I sit and try my best to relax, since Liam's lawyer was a woman, I shook my head, "Now, Ms. York, when did Liam supposedly... start giving you physical abuse?" she asks.

"Around the time I was talking to my best friend Jonathan again." I answer, calm but still nervous as hell.

"Ms. York, do you even know what 'physical abuse' is?" she sneers, my brows furrow with anger.

"Yes, I do. I was abused by my father when I was a kid so don't THINK.... I don't KNOW... what 'physical abuse' is!" I snap, my southern accent kicking in.

She flinches, "Enough questions, your honor." She says sharply, quickly sitting down.

Now it's Jackson's turn to ask questions, I immediately relax, "Amelia, how long were you with before he attempted to drown you in the bath tub?" he asks.

"We were together for 6 weeks when that happened, that was the first time he ever attempted to kill me." I answer.

"Did you ever ask your friend Jonathan for help?" he asks, I shake my head, "Didn't you tell anyone about what was happening?"

"My other friend, Heather." I answer, then the rest of the trial went on.....

Once we got the verdict, I officially smiled in relief.

Battered and Broken: (Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose Fanfiction) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now