Chapter 23: Saving Me

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*Jon's P.O.V*

~Day of ROH & DGUSA Mash-Up~

I get my ring gear on and wait for my match with Brodie Lee, Amelia and Colby were at the announce table for commentating, while Reba was in my corner. The match starts and as I fight, I keep giving Amelia flirtatious looks, she bites her lower lip and I smirk. Brodie and I haven't been on good terms, especially when he told me, "You better keep her close, Moxley... She'll be gone before you know it." I growl and attack him with that thought in mind.

*Amelia's P.O.V*

I watch how aggressive Jon is with Brodie, I smirk. "Looks like Jon has his eye on you, Ambrosia." Aaron says, I smile.

"He's a looker, Aaron... Reba is an idiot for letting him go." I giggle, Tyler squeezes my mid-section angrily.

Reba starts batting her eyelashes at Tyler, I pretend to be angry. I forget about the match and realize that Jon had won, Reba jumps in the ring and knees him in the nuts and he falls down groaning in pain.

I wince, I jump in the ring and pretend to be nice, I hold my hand out for her to shake, she smiles and takes it, I surprise her and put her in 'Shirley Temple' only to get pulled by my hair by Tyler, Jon tackles him while I connect 'Shirley Temple' to Reba. Jon protectively pulls me behind him, him and Tyler have a stare down, then laughs and asks, "Switch?" He holds his hand out to Jon, he smirks and takes it. All of a sudden, I feel my legs get swiped from under me.

Brodie grabbed me an threw me over his shoulder, "JON!!!!" I scream, scrambling to free myself from Brodie's bear grip.

Jon and Tyler hear me, Jon chases after me while Liam comes up behind Tyler and attacks him.

I'm backstage when Jon tackles Brodie, Liam ends up storming backstage and taking me, I scream, "LET ME GO!"

"Jon, let's go!" Liam shouts, my eyes widen. Brodie leaves Jon in a heap on the floor and runs over to me and Liam, "You make sure she doesn't slip through your grasp." He growls, then ties a chloroform rag to my mouth, then everything goes dark.

*Jon's P.O.V*

I sit up and I immediately regret it, "Fuck!" I groan, feeling the pounding in my head.

"Jon! Jon, get up!" I hear Colby call, he sounds panicked, then I remember why, 'Amelia!' I think, ignoring the pain and sitting up, realizing that I'm still in the hallway.

I get up and grab Colby by the hem of his shirt, "Where. The Fuck. Is She?" I pant, my veins filling up with anger.

"Brodie and some other guy took her, I tried to catch them before they left but I was too late, I'm sorry, man." He panics, my eyes widen and my rage is replaced with panic.

I let go of him and punch the nearest wall I see, "FUCK!" I shout, then lean against it. 'Oh god no..' I think, wiping my eyes before letting any tears spill.

All of a sudden, Reba's phone rings. "Hello?" She asks, the color drains from her face, "Yeah, let me get him." She covers the speaker, "Jon, a man wants to speak to you." She says, I grab it and put it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I ask, knowing damn well who it is.

"Jon! Good to hear from you, man!" Liam says happily, I growl with anger.

"Give her back, you gutless son of a bitch!" I demand, he chuckles darkly.

"Sorry, Moxley... Not gonna happen." I hear Amelia screaming in the background, "Shut up, you little bitch!" Liam snaps.

Battered and Broken: (Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose Fanfiction) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now