Chapter 21: Make it Count

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*Amelia's P.O.V*

The waitress comes back with our drinks and sets each one down in front of the right person, "Are you guys ready to order or would you guys like a few more minutes?" She asks, I look at her name tag.

"Just a few more minutes, Carrie." I answer sweetly, she nods. We take a look at the menu, "You wanna share something, guys?" I ask, Sami and Colby look at each other.

"Nachos?" They ask at the same time.

Jon and I look at each other, "Yep!" We both say at the same time, I sip my beer.

Colby takes a sip of his drink, "So, how did you two meet?" He asks me.

"High school, it was the day I moved to Oklahoma." I answer, my southern drawl kicking in.

Jon squeezes my leg, "You're gonna be talking like that the whole night, aren't you?" He whispers, I nod.

He takes a deep breath and takes a swig from his beer, "How far are you in your wrestling career?" Colby asks Jon, he sighs.

"I'm cutting it pretty close to FCW, we both are." Jon answers, adding me into the mix.

"What a coincidence! So am I, probably next year for me." Colby exclaims, then gives me an 'I-told-you-so' look.

Jon's jaw drops, "Us too, man! Looks like we'll be seeing each other a lot." he says with slight shock, I smile and take another swig of my beer.

That's when Carrie comes back, "So, you guys ready to order?" She asks, Sami answers for me.

"We'll just share a big plate of nachos." he says, she smiles at him while she writes it down.

"Coming right up!" She smiles, then leaves to fill the order.

My phone rings and it's a blocked number, I pick up, "Hello?" I call.

"Is this the number of Amelia York?" A male voice asks, my brows furrow with concern.

"This is she? One second." I cover the speaker with my hand, "Excuse me, boys. I gotta take this one." I interrupt, Jon stands up to let me go outside. I put the phone back up to my ear, "Ok, continue sir." I say politely.

"This is Colonel Drake from the United States Marine Corp and we would like to inform you that you may be drafted in the next year, since your name was on the drafting list." The guy explains on the other line, I feel the heat leave my body.

"What?" I ask, my voice going soft.

"We are truly sorry for bringing this up to you last minute, but we have lost a few experienced troops and your name was on the top of the list." The Colonel apologizes, I chuckle and shake my head.

"No it's fine, thank you for the heads up." I acknowledge, keeping my panic hidden.

"You're welcome ma'am, have a nice night." he says, then hangs up.

I stab my fingers through my hair, "Fuck..." I breathe.

*Jon's P.O.V*

I look outside to see Amelia set on the bench in front, "Guys, I'm going to go see if Ammy's alright." I get up to go see what's wrong, she has her head in her hands, "What happened?" I ask, she looks at me and stands, slowly pacing back and forth.

"I'm getting drafted, Jon... into the military." she says, emotionless.

My eyes widen, putting my hands on my face then raking them through my hair, "How long?" I ask, she sighs.

"Probably before the end of next year." she answers, I stand and pull her into a hug.

"We better get back inside." I say, I nod.

*Amelia's P.O.V*

We walk back inside and sit down, "What happened?" Colby asks, I take a swig of my beer before answering.

"I got drafted." I answer, Sami and Colby look at each other. "I'll probably be going overseas before the end of next year." I continue, Jon wraps his arms around me, then takes a swig of his beer.

"Damn." Colby says, I sigh.

"Ok, look. Let's not have this news bring us down, alright?" I say, they nod as Carrie brings us our plate.

"You guys need anything else?" She asks.

"Four beers and four shot glasses of whiskey." Jon says, I smirk. Carrie nods and gets our drinks, we begin eating when she sets the drinks down. Jon hands us each a shot glass, then holds his up, "To friendship." he says, the rest of us hold ours up and clink our glasses. Then we swig it back, I wince as the whiskey goes down my throat.

Colby and Jon make sour faces, making me giggle. Jon gives me a sloppy kiss on my cheek, I giggle more. "Baby..." I whine playfully.

We begin to laugh and talk, Colby ends up paying for it. We head out to the car, "Where to now?" Jon asks, Sami smirks.

"Now we go out to the river, drinking and skipping rocks." Sami answers.

I smile, "We'll follow you there." Jon says, I look at him and gives me a wink.

We get in our car and follow them to the river, Jon's fingers interlock with mine. I feel my cheeks heat up, "Are you scared?" I ask, he sighs.

"Honestly? I'm terrified." he sighs, I rest my head on his shoulder, "Are you scared?"

"No." I answer, it wasn't a total lie.

"Ammy, from what I remember, you didn't go to the drafting office." he says, I chuckle coldly.

"When I lived in Oklahoma, my dad made me lie about my age and made me register." I explain, he shakes his head.

"Goes to show how much of a twisted son of a bitch your dad was." he says, I laugh. We pull up next to Sami's car, "Now, let's go have some fun." he pecks me on the lips before we get out of the car, Sami and Colby had a 20 pack of 'High Life' beers sitting on the picnic table.

"Alright, let's have some fun." Sami cheers, handing us each a beer. Instead of skipping rocks, we watch the water lap against the rocks while we lean against the railing. I put my hands in my pocket, feeling the bracelets I made a couple weeks ago.

"Guys, I totally forgot about the bracelets I made you." I say, sounding embarrassed. I hand Sami and Colby their bracelets that read, 'BEST FRIENDS'. Colby smirks, hugging me, same as Sami. I hand Jon his, which was a broken half of a heart that read, 'Mates'

I show him mine that was already on my wrist and put the other half with it, making the word, 'Soulmates.' Jon smiles and picks me up and spins me around, "Thanks baby." he smiles, pecking me on the lips before putting me down. I take a swig of my beer as I lean against the railing, "I love you, baby." he whispers, snuggling against my neck, making me giggle.

*Colby's P.O.V*

I watch as Jon snuggles Amelia's neck, I chuckle, "They really love each other, don't they?" I ask, Sami nods.

"They're inseparable, they're pretty much soulmates." he explains, I nod and pull out a radio box to set it on the picnic table, turning it to an oldies station. I head back to the railing, taking a swig of my beer.

The song 'All This Love' by El Debarge begins to play, Sami and I watch Amelia and Jon slow dance to the song.

*Jon's P.O.V*

We begin to slow dance to the song, "Ammy?" I ask, she looks at me.

"Yeah?" She says, sounding dazed.

"You promise me something?" I ask, she nods, "Promise me that you'll come back."

She looks at me, "I am going to try to crawl, kick, scratch, or anything to come back." she promises.

I peck her on the lips, "I can't live without you, Ammy." I admit, her eyes widen.

"I promise to do everything I can to come back." she promise, and I knew that she meant it.

Battered and Broken: (Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose Fanfiction) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now