Chapter 25: Homicide

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*Amelia's P.O.V*


I drown out here and there as Homicide talks, I lean against the ropes and roll my eyes, 'God he's annoying.' I think, then Jon's music hits. My eyes widen, 'No... It can't be...' I think, Jon is steaming mad. Sliding through the ropes, we lock eyes before he turns his attention towards Homicide.

"Mox, what's the point of trying to get her back, you lost your chance, once again." Homicide sneers, Jon flairs his nostrils and grabs a mic from a producer.

"Once again, I got her back from Colt Cabana, I can surely get her back from you." Jon snaps, I smile a little. Before I know it, Homicide slaps me.

"You see that, Jon?" He sneers, Jon's mood changes from irritated... To enraged in seconds, he tackles Homicide. I slide out the ring and run through the curtain, I lean against the wall to catch my breath, holding my stinging cheek. I feel the tears well up, but quickly wipe them away. Homicide storms through the curtain, pushing me into the wall and grabbing me by the throat, "What the hell was that, huh?" He growls, I scratch his hand, trying to get it off of me.

"Let me go, Homicide! You're hurting me!" I panic, 'Oh no, not again!' I think.

Out of nowhere, Jon tackles him into some equipment boxes. Once the camera guys call 'cut', I slide against the wall, resting my head on my knees and taking deep breaths. 'No panic attacks, no panic attacks.' I repeat the mantra in my head, Jon begins rubbing my shoulders, "You alright?" He asks, I shake my head, "You need some air?" I nod, that's when I feel him pick me up in his arms, I wrap my arms around his neck, not caring at all that he's sweaty. I feel cool air brush against my arm, Jon sit down. "You know that you have a match right?"

I sigh, "Jon.... I don't know if I can, I'm just so tired." He pulls me closer to his chest.

"I'll talk to them if you want, right now, I need you to lie down." I just nod, he chuckles.

"Your voice has gotten deeper." I say absentmindedly, he kisses my forehead.

"You're barely noticing that now?" He asks, I smile.

"Sorry." I apologize, looking up at him.

His lips press against mine, the kiss was gentle, it slowed down my heart rate. He pulls away, "Is that making it better?" He asks, I nod.

"I think I can handle Vicki tonight. It's a dog collar match so..." Jon smirks, I smile.

"Come on, let's get you back inside." He lowers me down to my feet, but refuses to let go of my hand.

*Jon's P.O.V*

We wait for her to be called for her match, pull her closer by her hips and lean my forehead against her's, "You going to be ok?" I ask, she nods. I kiss her on the forehead before her entrance music hits, "Go kick some ass." I whisper, she smiles.

"I always do!" She laughs, I roll my eyes.

She goes through the curtain as I watch on the monitor, Vicki and her are already chained up and the match gets underway. As I'm watching, I see Homicide in the corner of my eye. "Homicide, she's mine. Back the fuck off!" I snap, he smiles evilly.

"Oh! She's yours now?! All because you calmed her down and saved her? I could do that ten times better!" He sneers, my blood begins to boil.

"Only I can calm her down, you have no fucking clue what she fucking deals with at night, so while you're sneaking out doing god knows what, she comes to me!" I snarl, all of a sudden, his music hits and he storms out there. I growl, "The hell you will!"

Battered and Broken: (Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose Fanfiction) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now