Chapter 1

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Silence. That's all she heard. All her mind ever allowed her to hear. She couldn't hear the shouting and the guns firing. That was until a harsh slap cross her face. She looked up to see the woman she once loved. Her blonde hair, blue eyes and the dimples she once loved. Her heart clenched at the sight, not knowing how the both of them got here in the first place. The woman glared at her and continued the assault on her face. She couldn't do anything but to take in all the beatings. The cold wind blowing on her cuts, stinging in pain.

Suddenly, the doors of the roof burst open. A figure emerged. All eyes snapped at the dramatic entrance. The villainess smirked. "Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in. Look Sky, it's your guardian angel." The woman uttered, grasping a fistful of Skylar's hair making her look at her partner in crime. She groaned in pain at the sting and at the handcuffs. It was all too much for her that she couldn't even use her powers.

"You don't have to do this, Kate." He said, carefully stepping forward.

"Oh, but I do. I can't stand looking at her face everywhere I go." The blonde reasoned, her grin getting wider by the second. Without another word, Kate picked the limp girl and brought her closer to the edge of the roof once she saw he was getting too close. "One more step and I'll kill her."

"Kate, I know you're angry but this isn't the right way." He tried, ever so slightly inching closer to the duo. "Just let her go. She didn't do anything wrong." He slowly made his way for his gun behind him.

"You're right. I should just stop this and let her go." She said after a ponder. She inched in closer to the girl. "See you in another life, my love." Confused, she didn't have any time to react when all of a sudden, she was being pushed off the ledge.

"NO!" Was all she heard before seeing black.

Central City

Kara had just done talking to her boss about her non-existent love life until Siobhan Smythe waltz right in to the office, with a look of madness. "Keira, call security. I haven't seen eyes that crazy since I had fondue with Ramona Singer."

With that, she quickly stood up and confronted the intruder. "You ruined my life, Kara Danvers." Was all Kara got from her before she was blasted out of the office window with a ear-shattering scream. "KARA!"

Not long, a breach was made on the street and out came a speedster that was already on his way to save the falling girl. With his speed, he ran up the building and caught the girl halfway before running her out into the open mountain range.

Landing her safely on the ground, he panicked when he saw her clothes caught on fire. "You're on fire!" He exclaimed, attempting to put it out but decided against it. Seeing hesitancy, she proceeded to put it out herself. "I didn't need you to save me."

He laughed at the ridiculousness of it. "You just fell out of a skyscraper. If I hadn't been here, you would've gone splat." She didn't say anything and took off into the sky before he could even get a word, her work attire in his hands.

"Wha-.... well that's a new one. I thought I was the impossible." He breathed out before running and following her. As a red streak caught her eye, she looked down confused before ultimately deciding to land. The speedster showing up not too long after. "How did you do that?" He asked confused.

"I'm Supergirl." She answered. Tilting his head to the side, he was even more confused. "You're who now?" They both went on back and forth discussing who they were and where they were from. Unbeknownst to them, a second breach was made not too far from where they were.

"Hi, my name is Barry Allen and I'm the fastest man alive. Also I think I'm on the wrong earth and I'm gonna need your help." With that they headed back to the office and fail to see a body of a person a couple of miles away from them.

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