Chapter 15

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Landing with a thud, Kara entered the med bay with a whimpering Maggie in her arms. Placing her gently on the bed, Alex immediately rushed to her side and tried to find out what's wrong.

"My shoulder. It has just been relocated." Maggie croaked out and Alex didn't waste any time to inject her with morphine. Maggie sighed out a thank you and looked at the two Danvers sisters.

"We got a new threat in our hands." This made the two sisters perk up.

"What happened?" Alex asked concerned, taking her girlfriends hand in her own.

"I was working late when I heard some strangled noises from the cameras in the cell. I checked the footage and everything appeared as it seems. But I had a bad feeling in my stomach. I quietly went to check on Edge since he's the only one locked up and the strangling noises suddenly stopped. It was like they knew I was there. Then I was face to face with a hooded figure. They were the one who dislocated my shoulder..." Maggie explained and the two sisters shared a confused look.

"But your shoulder was relocated..?" Kara inquired and Maggie continued her story.

"The figure was also the one who fixed my shoulder into place. It was weird." Maggie furrowed her brows.

"Weird how?"

"The moment they dislocated my shoulder, they froze as if me getting hurt wasn't in their plans." The three were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Agent Danvers, Supergirl. Morgan Edge has been moved to DEO containment per Director Hankshaw's request. We confiscated this letter." The agent quickly handed the letter to Kara and she began reading the letter. Her eyes widened at the content.

"We need Lena here."

An hour later, the doors burst open and a frantic Lena Luthor rushed through. Looking at her wide eyed, Kara just handed her the letter and had a gentle smile on her face. She knew that after this, she needed to be there for her friend. It didn't take long before an angry and furious look appeared on her face. The letter read;

Dear Edge

I am utterly disappointed that you took this opportunity lightly. I was hoping you would use the poison for my little sister and I firmly believe you would. You disappoint me when I had my intel saying you used it on your predecessor. Such a shame that Skylar even considered you a father figure. I see her to become a potential ally.


Lena throws the letter and marched her way to the jail cell and Kara sighed looking at her sister.

"Go. I will take care of this one here and read the letter after." Kara nodded and made her way to stop her friend from doing anything illogical and rash. Using her speed, she had caught up to her friend just as she was about to enter.

"Kara. I swear if you try and stop me."

"You need to calm down before deciding what to do." Lena rolled her eyes and tried to make her way inside.

"Last resort."

Without hesitation,Kara had picked Lena up and swung her over her shoulder. This caused the ravennete to squeal and thrash her legs in mid air. Spewing obscenities and yelling for the Kryptonian to put her down. Kara ignored everything and just made her way to a vacant room in the DEO.

Placing her down gently, Kara then stood infront of her to block any advances the young Luthor had in mind to escape. Crossing her arms and giving Lena her best glare, Kara gave her a pointed look and that was enough to shut the raven head up.

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