Chapter 20

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TW: Mentions of cutting and blood

Groaning, Skylar sat up. Speechless. Too in shock about what happened. Sam has powers? Like Kara? She was in a daze. She didn't even realise that she was being lifted up and brought to the sofa.

The buzzing of her phone in her back pocket brought her back. She saw how Lena was scrambling to find an ice pack while Ruby just sat next to her, holding her hand. Grimacing, she took out her phone and answered the call.

"Skylar! What is taking so long? I want Morgan Edge dead by tonight!"

Just like that, the call ended. Skylar looked to Lena who was coming back with the finally found ice pack; handing it to her.

"Looks like we'll have to cancel dinner." Skylar tried to lighten the mood and successfully got a small smile from the two.

"I have some things to take care of. You'll be home alone with Ruby. Is that alright with the two of you?" Lena looked at the two and received a nod in response.

Leaving the house, Lena met up with Kara at her penthouse. Being the first to arrive, Lena didn't hesitate to immediately start drinking a few glasses of whiskey, anything strong. A knock on her window got her attention and that was when she saw the Girl of Steel.

Letting her in, Lena didn't hesitate to completely melt in the blondes arms, becoming a crying mess. Kara just wrapped her arms tighter around the girl. Letting her emotions run free. Even after Lena has calmed down, she still had a strong grip on the blonde. Fisting her cape in her hands.

"She's cheating on me, isn't she?" Lena said in a somber tone. It wasn't a question, more of a statement. Kara could only sigh and run her hand soothingly through the other's hair.

"It's Alex, isn't it? Those two were always together. I only noticed after the Skylar situation with Lex." Lena's lip trembled recounting her memories.

"You don't have to say it if you don't want to, Lena." Kara spoke in the most softest tone. Pulling away, Kara led Lena to the couch.

"I want to. Retelling what happened shows that I'm an idiot." Lena countered, hiding away the fact that she was about to propose.

"Hey, you're not. You're not an idiot, Lena. You're a literal genius and a successful businesswoman and scientist. You're everything good in this world, no matter your name. If they don't see what I see, then it's their loss." Kara cupped Lena's cheek, her thumb wiping away the tears. Lena showing her a grateful smile.

The two spent their night watching some movies with tons of ice cream. It actually helped Lena to take her mind off of the problem and she was grateful that Kara was with her every step of the way. That was until they both got a call from J'onn to get to the DEO as it was being intruded.

They both quickly got dressed and Kara flew them to the DEO, noticing that multiple DEO agents and even J'onn himself was knocked out.

"What the hell happened?" Lena bolted for the main comm and tried to pinpoint where the intruder was. Kara on the other hand was scanning through the agents and noticed Alex wasn't among them. Actually, Alex wasn't even in the building. It's not possible for Alex to just leave her duty like this.

Walking towards Lena, she also tried to hear any new heartbeats but found none which was strange.

"Kara, they're at the holding cell. Edge is there." With that, Kara sped off to the room and found Edge lifted by the neck by none other than the masked figure.

"Stop! Why are you doing this?" Kara asked as she attempted to tackle the figure down.

The masked figure harshly pushed Edge aside and quickly dodged her. When Kara turned, her hands were immediately stuck to the wall by the webs.

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