Chapter 10

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Landing gracefully, Kara rushed to enter the fortress. She needed answers badly. She couldn't explain how she felt towards Skylar. It was like she forgot how to live without the other in her life and that thought terrified her. Kara hasn't felt this amount of love for someone before. Sure, there was Mon-El and James but her love for Skylar was on a whole other level.

"Princess, what can I be of assistance?" Kelex approached her once she set foot in the fortress.

"You don't have to call me that anymore, Kelex. I'm not on Krypton." Kara corrected. Kelex shook his head.

"A title still stands even if you're on a different planet. How may I assist you today?" Kara groaned. It was hard to convince Kelex but she understands that he was programmed for it. Not many people know that Kara was of royal bloodline. Heck, she just found out a year ago that she was a princess. The only ones that know were her cousin, Kal-El, and Lena. The Luthor girl found out everything about her by herself.

"Kelex, can you activate my mom's hologram?" Immediately, her mother went into her frame of vision. She still couldn't get past how realistic it looks.

"Kara, Daughter of Zor-El, Princess of Krypton. What would you like to know?"

"Is there such thing as soulmate?" Kara asked, playing with her finger nervously.

"Yes, there is but it is only applicable to the royal family: the House of El. This soulmate bond has been manufactured as a safety protocol if the House of El bloodline were to be extinct. It was made by scientist Zor-El. You, Kara Zor-El, and Kal-El are the only ones who have mates. To identify your true mate, the House of El symbol would show on both mates wrists when the two have bonded. It would only be visible to Kryptonians and their soulmate." Alura explained in detail. Kara looked at her wrist and saw the light gold symbol ingrained on it. How did she not notice it before?

"What do you mean by bonded? L-Like...intercourse?" Kara spoke softly.

"That depends. Most are bonded by intercourse as that is where the love of both soulmate blossom. This would mean that the love shared was not there initially but grew over time. But there are occasions where a simple kiss would seal the bond. This would mean that the two had a strong attraction before interacting with each other." Kara nodded, processing the information slowly. That means that Skylar and I were love at first sight; essentially. But that thought were replaced by doubt. Alex's suspicions about Skylar plagueing her mind.

"Is there a chance that a mistake would be made?" Kara softly said. If this was true then she would have to confirm it with Kal first before inspecting Skylar closer.

"There is no such thing as a mistake in finding a soulmate. Zor-El has made it so that each of the soulmate were to their liking and would fit each others personality." That provided Kara some reassurance. Before she could ask another question, Alura spoke again.

"My daughter, Kara. There is a prophecy that has been bestowed upon you." Kara's ears perked up at this. Prophecy? What prophecy?

"As you know, the reason why I sent you to Earth was to look after your cousin. But that is not all. The reason why Kal-El was sent to Earth was to be who he really is now; A Hero. You, on the other hand, were destined to something darker. You were destined to rule." This caused Kara's world to stop. It made her rethink her life choices. Now that the she knew of her prophecy, she couldn't help but think if it were to be true. Before Kara could spiral, her mother's voice pulled her out of the trance.

"But light is always found at the end of the tunnel. This light would help you. Weave through your challenges and obstacles. Protect you from proving the prophecy right." Kara inhaled a deep breath.

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