Chapter 8

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After a particularly long day, Skylar wanted nothing more than to relax in the cool breeze but she needed to take her motorcycle. She and Lena were in the car since they were both headed to the same direction. Once reached, they were met with bone crushing hugs from Ruby. "Hey my big bean. How's school today?" Skylar smiled when she saw Lena gave a kiss on Ruby's forehead. She internally sighed in relief. At least they get along well.

"School was boring but maths and science was so fun! I got to do algebra and dissect a frog!" This caused Skylar to grimace, the poor frogs. Once Ruby was upstairs, she made her way to the living room where Sam and Lena were most likely making out. Not wanting that to happen, she knocked on the door and heard Sam panted a come in.

The sight before her was...something. Hair was disheveled, lipstick smudged, shirt all messy and crumpled. Skylar had a hard time stifling her laughter. "Damn, you guys couldn't even wait until I left." Chuckling, she ignored the scoldings of Sam and picked up her helmet, already leaving before she was caught in the crossfire. "Love you!" Was all she said before going out the door.

The soft hum of the engine is the only thing she heard through the wind wisping against her. She noticed how the area was deserted but didn't think much of it. Parking her bike at the side of the apartment building, Skylar got off the bike only to be met with a knife pointed to her neck. First day and I'm already getting mugged. Great.

Kara and Alex were doing a quick run to the store for their sister's night. On the way back, they saw a familiar brunette about to get mugged. Kara wanted to step in but Alex held her back. "Let's see what she'll do. If she can't handle it, we'll step in." Kara sighed, sure she wanted to test if Skylar had powers or not but she can't stand the thought of the other getting hurt.

Her thought was soon proven otherwise when Skylar placed her hair in a ponytail and began to expertly take on the three thugs. Wow. Was all she could think. The way she moves so fluidly when attacking is so well planned that you would think they rehearsed it before. "I think she's better than you at combat." Kara whispered to her sister only to be met by a doubtful snort.

"No way, I have years of training while she probably doesn't." But looking at her moves, Kara knew that there was no amount of hesitancy in the movements. Soon, all the thugs stopped fighting and fled. She saw the corner of the brunettes lips upturned and couldn't believe her eyes when she saw a small trace of blue lightning behind the brunettes eyes. What in the hell was that. Before they could even enter the building, Alex phone buzzed and she shot an apologising to her sister.

Kara internally sighed but let her go, knowing she couldn't argue. Guess I'm alone. Again. This wasn't the first time Alex had to cancel on sister's night. At first, she understood because of Maggie and her job at the DEO but now she just gets disappointed. She stepped into the elevator with all the grocery bags. She huffed. Sure, she was the girl of steel but there's only so much she can carry. Just as it was about to close, someone's hand shot up. "Please, hold!"

Kara pressed the open button and was met with a tired looking Skylar. But the look was soon immediately replaced with a bright smile. "Oh, hey Kara!"

"Hi." She replied back shyly, still getting easily flustered around the woman. It was just the two of them side by side. She caught a strong scent in the air and noticed that it was the other's perfume. She smells like roses. "You need any help? You look like you're struggling."

"Yes, please. Alex kinda ditched me tonight." Taking a huge bag from Kara, Skylar noticed that this was alot of grocery for two people. Kara was the girl of steel after all and the disguise is really not helping. "Last minute work?"

Kara nodded as the elevator reached her floor. Fumbling with the keys, she finally managed to open the door after the brunette took the other grocery bag out of her grasp. "You can place them on the counter. Want anything to drink?" Kara offered and glanced at the other girl taking a good look around the apartment.

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