Chapter 6

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Two years. It's been two years since Skylar have been in National City. Two years since Kara has been waiting. Two years since Skylar saw her friend and her beloved daughter. Two years since the two heroes saw each other, be it their hero or civilian counterpart. Now as she was making her way into National City, there was a small traffic jam. A slight buzz of her jacket pocket caused her to take off her helmet and answered the call, smiling widely.

"Sam! I'm sorry but I think I'm going to be late. There's a slight traffic jam. You know how it is." She chuckled. It's been long.

"Nonsense. You're not late at all. Need I remind you it starts at 9. It's only 7. I'm kinda excited that my friends are finally meeting you. Also, I'm sorry." The last part made Skylar grumble and groan.

"For what? For not telling me you have a girlfriend? Or for not telling me you are dating THE Lena Luthor? Seriously Sam, I had to find out from the news. Not from my own friend." Even though Sam couldn't see, she knew Skylar was pouting.

"Okay, okay. I know it was my fault. Just get your ass here and we can discuss this later. I want you to meet my friends and lovely girlfriend." Skylar fake gagged at the last part and Sam rolled her eyes.

"Fine, I will go straight to yours then. Love you. Send my regards to the little one."

"I will. Love you too." Sam replied before hanging up. Not long after, she feels hands sliding up around her waist. A familiar breath takes place on her ear, sending her shivers. "Should I be worried that you're saying you love someone else on the phone?" Sam could feel the smirk on her partner's lips.

"That was Skylar. She's coming soon. When are Kara and Alex getting back?" Sam turned and rests her head on the others. "You're so adorable." Sam smiled at their position. Lena raised her eyebrow at the insinuation.

"I'm not adorable." Lena argued, glaring at her playfully. Sam looks at her lovingly. "Would you rather be called cute? I thought so." Seeing as Lena had became speechless, Sam took the opportunity to kiss her cheek and made her way to the kitchen. Soon enough, the opening and closing of doors are heard, loud laughter and chatter. Sam smiled slightly, knowing her daughter is having fun with and without Skylar.

She's happy knowing Ruby has opened up to more people. Sam saw her daughter running up to her with an excited smile, bouncing up and down. "Woah there, kiddo. You excited about Skylar or you just ate alot of sugar."

"Both!" At the reply, Sam gave a pointed look towards Kara and Alex. They both shared a look and avoided eye contact with the glaring mother.

Before Sam could say anything, Lena interrupted, saving the two Danvers sisters from her lover's wrath. "Ruby, could you help your mother with setting the food? Kara and Alex, you're on table duty." The three girls nodded and went to do their tasks. Kara and Alex muttering a small thank you to Lena on the way. With the rest of the group having tasks to do, Lena is tasked to get the grill and the ingredients ready.

After nearly an hour and a half of preparing for their special guest, it's not long till they hear a soft rumble of an engine. Ruby smiled widely and immediately dropped what she was doing, making her way to the door. The rest soon poured into the foyer and waited for the guest to come in.

Opening the door slowly, Skylar could hear two of her favourite person's hearts beating erratically. She internally chuckled. While Kara heard the steady heartbeat of the person opposite the door.

"Skylar! I missed you!" Walking through, she was immediately attacked by a certain kid. Chuckling through her helmet, she reciprocated and spun the girl around. "Okay, that's enough. Let her take off her helmet." Sam said and Ruby begrudgingly let go of the older girl. Seeing the pout, Skylar can't help but to ruffle her hair.

The moment she took off the helmet, she could hear a soft gasp. If it weren't for her hearing, she wouldn't have heard it. But before she could think about it, Sam had given her a bear hug. Laughing, Skylar rubbed the other's back and gently pat her head. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, psycho." Sam teased causing Skylar to dramatically pull back with a shocked expression on her face. "You're never gonna let that go are you?" Seeing the other shake her head, she rolled her eyes playfully before her eyes landed on the raven haired woman next to her friend.

"Skylar, this is Lena Luthor, my girlfriend. Lena, Skylar." Skylar tried her best to pull off her most intimidating look and it seems to be working since the poor Luthor girl was nervously playing with her hands. "So this is the girl you refuse to tell me about."

"Skylar! Behave for god's sake. Don't scare my girl." With that, Skylar smiled and pulled the Luthor girl for a hug. "It's nice to finally meet you. I have heard many good things about you." Pulling back, she heard the other sigh in relief.

"I'm glad to finally meet you, Skylar." Now, Sam was pulling her to meet the other two of her friends in the room. One blonde and one short haired girl. Alex and Kara Danvers. Sisters. She noted. So this is her diguise.

She greeted Alex and now it was the blondes' turn. Introducing themselves, they both shook hands. Skylar immediately felt a shock run up her spine. The hell was that. She shook it off. "Kara Danvers. I feel like I've seen you before. Have we met prior?" Skylar can't help but ask. A slight smirk tugging on her lips.

"Oh, I-I don't think so." Kara stammered out. Bingo. "Really? I'm pretty sure I would've remembered a pretty blonde like you." Tilting her head, Skylar smirked. Before she could continue, she was smacked in the back of the head by none other than Sam.

"That's enough. We have alot to catch up on." Being dragged to the living room, Skylar was forced to let the blonde's hand go and muttered a small ow while rubbing her head. Sitting on the couch, Ruby didn't waste any time before launching herself onto Skylar, making the girl let out an 'oof'.

"Scotch?" Lena offered.

"Please." At that, Lena placed the drink infront of her. Ruby tried to grab it but Skylar was quick to put a stop to that. Hearing a huff from the side, she rolled her eyes as Ruby made her way upstairs, since the grownups are talking about boring stuff. "Be down for dinner." Sam shouted earning a small okay.

"So, how have you been doing?" Sam asked. Skylar furrowed her brows at this. Everyone was looking at her. It seems more like an interrogation than a catching up. Smiling, she faced Sam and talked about what she had found in her research lab. "You do tech?" Kara asked and she nodded.

"I'm quite a handy man if I do say so myself. Making stuff just puts me in my zone." Looking at Kara, she gave her a gummy smile. "I think I know where I heard the name Kara Danvers from." This made the two sisters perk up.

"Oh really? Where?" Skylar smirked and turned to face the couple. "The exclusive on Lena Luthor's private life. Oh you know, the one where a certain friend of mine was mentioned. I was quite surprised myself really."

Catching the pillow before it even hit her, she chuckled deeply. "Stop with the dramatics. I already said I'm sorry."

"Fine, I will let you off this time." Skylar huffed. Conversation flowed around the group easily. Mostly the girls asking Skylar questions and the occasional banter being thrown here and there. While Sam, Skylar and Ruby were grilling some stuff outside, the other three were inside discussing about the suspicious guest.

"Look guys, as much as i'm happy for Sam, there's something with her. I can't place my finger on it but she gives me assassin vibes." Alex said and Lena nodded. "Honestly, with the way she looked at me just now. I thought she could kill me."

"Guys, she's the girl." Kara whisper-yelled. This earned confused looks from the other two. Ever since telling Lena her identity, things have been going smoothly. They tell each other anything and the DEO could get tech that helped them in finding rogue aliens. "The girl on the bike. The masked vigilante." Kara said as if everything made perfect sense.

"Look, i don't know but for now, I think we should keep on our toes. We don't know if they're a friend or foe." Alex whispered. "Who's a friend or foe?" A voice from behind startled the three.

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