Chapter 13

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Receiving a package on his office desk, he carefully inspected it before opening, making sure its not a bomb or something.

Looking through its contents, he only found a small bag of powder. He wondered what it was for before a loud thud came from outside his balcony. He inhaled a shaky breath as the masked figure made their way inside holding a very sharp weapon.

He stood to alarm his security but was stopped. Alarmed, he tried to break free but the figure had a strong grip on his wrist.

"What do you want from me!" He thrashed under their grip. They said nothing but just handed him an envelope. As he shakily took it, the figure let him go but stayed near his desk.

He scrambled to the wall, putting as much distance as he can between them. Catching his breath, he opened the envelope and read its contents.

Morgan Edge,

I see you have a strong sense of hatred towards my sister. I applaud you for that. Use the powder for whatever you wish on someone. Betray me and you will be added to my list of who to kill. I'm sure you know what to do.


Before he could even react, the whooshing of a knife was heard and he closed his eyes, waiting for the imminent pain. As he felt nothing, he opened his eyes to he met with the knife; a hairs breadth away from his head. He also noticed that the figure was gone.

As his eyes landed on the small amount of powder, his mind drifted off to the one person he thought of.

"I'm coming for you, Skylar. That company should've been mine!" He said to no one and went about his day.

Outside, the figure had stayed in the shadows to see what he would do. Hearing his words, the figure smirked behind her mask. Everything is going according to plan.

The next few days, everything was going well in regards to the superfriends. Eventhough the Gala had been delayed, life had just seemed to slow down. For Kara's side, there hadn't been any new alien attacks. From Skylar's, all she had to do was play the waiting game. Everything was going perfectly as planned.

Soon, the night of the Gala came and it was Skylar's job to make sure she had everything set. After checking her phone for the tenth time, Skylar made her way to Kara's. She had a nice slim black dress with a slit going up to her thigh, her hair curled in waves along with some of her best pairs of heels.

Of course Skylar had her webs with her. Just in case Morgan tried to do something violent. Knowing him, he loves the attention.

Knocking, the door opened revealing Kara wearing a baby blue dress and her hair tied up in a bun. She was wearing her glasses that she always liked to fiddle with. The sight made her feel breathless.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes." Skylar remarked, smirking slightly at the now red blonde, fiddling with her glasses.

"I could say the same about you. You look out of this world." Kara's words brought a light pink hue appear on her cheeks. Feeling her phone buzz, she took it as her cue to proceed to her next step.

"Shall we Ms Danvers?" Skylar offered her hand. Giggling, Kara took it with no hesitation.

"We shall."

As the car had arrived its destination, Kara could see that it was full of photographers and reporters at the side of a red carpet. The sight itself made Kara palms sweat and her heart begin to hammer in her chest. As if sensing her discomfort, Skylar softly grabbed the blondes hand and gently caressed it, soothing her nerves.

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