Chapter 4

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Meanwhile, Supergirl stares at the city confused. What in the name of Rao happened? She quickly changed into her Supergirl suit and flew to the DEO. She quickly reached just as Maxima and the agents under Myriad were releasing the prisoners.

"Early parole is cancelled." Kara said before launching an attack towards Maxima. They both started punching back and forth until Maxima had an upper hand, throwing Kara against the rocky ceiling.

Kara tried to escape but Maxima had pulled her down and placed a tightened grip on her neck. "We could've been family Kara Zor-El. I ought to make your cousin my mate."

"Ugh, gross." Kara had enough and punched Maxima against the wall, knocking her out. Just as she thought she was done, a flurry of kryptonite bullets came raining down on her. She then took cover behind her pod and used its energy exhaust to knock the agents out.

With the prisoners still in the cells, Kara made her way to Catco to see her friends. Not only did she find out her friends had succumbed to Myriad like the others, her boss and Maxwell seemed to have resisted its control. Something about a device Maxwell made to block out the signal.

While all this was happening, Skylar has had enough of waiting and made into the city herself. She made sure Sam and her daughter hid in one of the thug's car before leaving. Now all she has to do was to find a tow truck and figure out why the people of National City has turned into mindless robots.

"Damn, its like Brainiac all over again." She muttered under her breath. Of course being a superhero, she has dealed with the occasional mind control before. Maybe that's why it wasn't affecting her as much. Parking her bike in an alley, Skylar quickly changed into her suit and used her webs to get to a higher vantage point. This can't be good.

Her eyes were trained on the millions of people subjected to this signal. All of a sudden, she saw three figures jumping down. She wasted no time in catching the blonde woman and soon realised that another has caught the other two guys.

Landing infront of the building, Skylar was met face to face with the city's hero Supergirl again. Cursing at herself, she quickly plopped the woman on the ground and left before the other hero could say anything.

Who the hell was that? Kara thought as she looked at Kelsi. "Looks like you had some help. This won't be the last time if you keep interfering with my plans." The three of them said at the same time. Kara flew in the air and surveyed the area, trying to see any remaining remnants of the masked hero.

Peering down, Skylar could see that Supergirl was looking for her. She grinned behind her mask and thought of something that could help the city from being susceptible to mind control. All she needed to make was a voice changer and a very small but powerful signal jammer. When it comes to tech, Skylar could do it in record time.

Maxwell and Supergirl were at a disagreement. This was not what Supergirl imagined when Maxwell said to detonate a kryptonite bomb. "For the last time no! You can't just detonate a bomb and kill five percent of the population. That's immoral." Kara argued.

"That's a choice we have to make for the greater good of this city. I refuse to let some alien have control over four million people." Maxwell sighed, these two were obviously not getting his point. "Look, if we don't use my solution, what other solutions do we have? If we don't do this, Non could've gotten control of the entire world." He stressed.

"But killing people is not in right!" Cat had enough of this. "You both shut up! I have had enough of this. We are not detonating that bomb and we are not killing anybody. Look, if what Max said is correct and this Myriad thing affects the the amygdala and whatever cortex of the brain, then why not we give them hope."

And that's how Kara found herself in an old radio station with Cat and Max to live stream her hope message. But something was amiss. A screech was heard outside the studio. "Try and get it to work while I deal with whatever it is outside."

"Don't have to tell me twice." Max muttered and Kara stepped out only to find her sister in the same kryptonite suit when she killed her aunt. "Non! Don't make me fight my sister. Fight me yourself!" She announced.

"Aww, so honorable. But I would rather make you suffer. In the end its a lose lose situation." Alex said robotically and pulled the kryptonite sword from its sheath. Alex was relentless in her attacks. Kara grabbed ahold of the suit only to scream in pain from the kryptonite. She was flung back but quickly rolled over when she saw her sister about to plunge the sword into her.

Before Kara could process her surroundings, she was flung against the wall. She felt all her powers drained. She felt helpless. She saw her sister grabbing the sword, about to strike and Kara couldn't do anything but struggle under her grasp. Alex was about to stab Kara with a sword and Kara closed her eyes but felt no searing pain. Nothing.

She opened her eyes to see the same masked figure holding her sister's arm back with what looks like webs? Kara tilted her head and furrowed her eyebrows. Soon enough, Alex stumbled back. Now it was the masked figure versus Alex while Kara watched from the sidelines.

Kara saw how the masked figure fluidly moves when fighting, like they have done it a hundred times before. What Kara didn't expect next was the amount of webs the other hero used to limit her sister's movement. The masked hero didn't say anything but placed a small device behind Alex's ear.

Just as all this was happening, J'onn had brought Eliza to help with Alex. Once he saw the new figure, he thought of it as a threat and immediately tried to pin the figure down but was stopped by Kara. "Wait! They helped Alex." Kara gestured to Alex regaining her consciousness back.

"Kara?" She inquired, too out of it to notice what she had done. Once she looked down, her eyes welled up in tears. "I'm so sorry, Kara. I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to." Alex said and Eliza went to her and turned off the kryptonite suit. Kara helped in getting rid of the webs. After exchanging hugs and "I'm sorry's", they all went back in but Kara was stopped by the figure.

After assuring J'onn she would be alright, Kara and the masked hero were left alone. "Thank you. For helping me all this while." All Kara got was a nod. They stood there awkwardly for a few minutes before the masked hero activated a device on her neck.

"I have experienced this before and I know you have your own solution," the masked hero started and Kara was taken aback by the voice changer. Whoever this is really didn't want anyone to know about who they really are. "I made something to help you if your plan ever backfired." They then pulled out two small palm sized metal square.

"What does those do?"

"On my left is a very powerful signal jammer. Place it on the sattelite that contains this Myriad or whatever and it will rid of your city from mind control. On my right is a helmet equipped with oxygen. Should your plan ever fail, use these two to combat against Myriad." The masked hero said, plaving the devices in her palms.

"How do I know you're not messing with me? You could be apart of Non's army for all I care." With that, the masked hero couldn't help but chuckle. "All you have to do is trust. From one hero to another, trust is what you're gonna need in the long run. I suggest you head back to your group. Till we meet again."

Before Kara could reply, the masked person had already left using their webs. She couldn't help but sense a feeling of familiarity when the person said that last line. Kara racked her brain on where she had heard it before and it hit her like a truck. She blushed furiously at the memory of it.

The girl on the motorcycle

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