Chapter 7

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Now with it was just the four of them. The long haired brunette tilted her head, seemingly trying to figure out what was going on between the three friends. Kara can't lie, she looks adorable like that. "Skylar, what is taking so long? Baby, Alex, I need your help with the grill. Kara, could you supervise Skylar and Ruby please?" Sam bossed the group around. Shaking from her daze, she realised she was being pulled to the backyard by none other than Skylar herself. She could feel the tingle of electricity through their touch.

Must they go in a frenzy now?! Skylar couldn't believe it. She was losing control of her powers every time she touches the pretty blonde. There has to be something to it. "Hello, earth to Skylar." The snap of Ruby's fingers brought her out of her thoughts. Smiling, she ruffled the girl's hair. "What do you want to play, my little bean?"

"I'm not little anymore." Ruby pouted and made the older chuckle even more. Kara looked at the duo and smiled. Ruby is very different with Skylar. "Okay my big bean. How bout you practice your soccer and call me over when you need a goalie. I need to get to know you aunts." Nodding, Ruby went to practice while Skylar walked towards Kara.


"Hey." Well, this was awkward. The silence was deafening and Skylar can't help but feel like she's the cause of that.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable before. I was just playfully flirting." At the apology, Kara shook her head. "No, no. You don't need to apologise. I was just taken aback is all." Silence again. The two just seemed to stare at each other.

"So, you coming to National City to visit or for work?" Kara started. This could be the only chance to get to know the girl on the bike. Skylar grinned at the blonde, making her blush lightly. "Well, I went to Metropolis for some work but now I am currently stationed here. I mean its better than before. I get to be close to Sam and Ruby."

"Do you have an apartment already?"

"Yea actually. Found a place at the Hammersmith Tower." Kara jaw dropped open. Oh Rao. This is going to be harder than she thought. "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." Skylar looked at how the girl paled.

"Oh nothing, it's just a coincidence really. I live there too." At this, Skylar perked up. Excitement exudes from her whole body. "Really? What's your unit? I'm at 5A."

"I'm 4A." Upstair Neighbour. Kara groaned at this. With the amount of times Kara flew out of her apartment, surely the girl would piece two on two together. Kara needed to talk to Lena and Alex about this. But now Kara needs to keep up her friendly and bubbly persona, trying not to let the other know about her panic. "Do you need help moving stuff?"

"Oh its okay. I've already moved all my stuff from Metropolis to the apartment but thanks for the offer." Skylar opened her mouth to say something else but was pulled away by Ruby calling her. She gave Kara a small smile before going to tackle the younger one in a big hug.

Making her way into the living room, Kara met up with Alex and Lena, having a clear view of the backyard. A clear view of Skylar and Ruby playing. Kara sees the smiles on their faces and can't help but also mirror them. "Okay, what's up?"

"Skylar is my upstair neighbour. I have to be careful from now on." Kara said, not removing her gaze from the two children playing. Soon enough, Sam joined and helped Ruby in tackling the brunette. The girl struggled and kicked from getting tickled. "I don't trust her." Lena added after a beat. Alex snorts.

"You don't trust anyone. What's new." Alex put her hands up in mock surrender when she saw Lena glaring at her. Sighing, Lena walked onto the porch. "Never mess with a jealous Lena." Kara reminded her sister and they're both met with the sight of Lena aggressively attacking Sam's lips. They frowned, digusted. Seems like they shared the same looks as Skylar and Ruby. Aside from the couple, Kara really couldn't keep her eyes away from the gorgeous brunette. Something about her is so alluring.

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