Chapter 9

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Fuck, fuck, fuck. How can you be so careless, Skylar. A hundred thoughts raced through her mind as she was being chased by at least ten guys. In broad daylight. Wanna know what happened? Let's backtrack.

Hours ago

Skylar had just gotten off a call from her assistant, yelling some instructions that the poor girl on the other line needed to amend. It was her fault to be honest. Because of the assistant's clumsiness, she had apparently offended and angered some big company clients in National City and it was Skylar's job to do the fixing.

A total of five clients. FIVE! Skylar huffed in frustration and raked her fingers through her hair, setting her course the each and every of her clients office. The least she could do was to apologise personally and amend it herself. Now, get this. The clients were not ordinary clients. They were the ones she dreaded. They were old, misogynistic and out of touch with the modern times. They don't have a problem with Lena Luthor but they had a problem with her.


Now, she was on her way to her last clientele. The most frustrating one. Well, save the best for last right? Get in, get out. Easy peasy. Skylar scoffed at her thought, she was dead wrong. Somehow, she had managed to piss off the CEO so much that he had sent ten big and burly men to chase after her. Now, Skylar was not one to back down but since they were in public and in broad daylight, she couldn't do anything but run away. Ugh, I hate this.

Now, she has been running for a little over ten minutes and they were still chasing her. "Damn." She panted. So much for the cardio. Skylar was thankful she had worn some shoes that were fit for running instead of her heels. Just as she was about to round the corner, she was smacked right into a body.

This made them land pretty hard on the floor. Skylar looked up and saw that it was Kara who she ran into. "Shit, sorry Kara. I didn't see you there. But we have to go. Hurry!" Skylar ushered the blonde to stand up and they both ran down the alley. Finding another alley, they both quickly slid into it, not noticing how small it was. This led them to get crammed into the small space. They were so close that they practically shared the same breath.

Embarrassed at how close they were, Skylar turned away and inspected the outside, trying to see if the men had caught up to them. "Who were you running away from?" Kara whispered, she was concerned for the businesswoman infront of her. Skylar shook her head.

"Some bastard of a CEO sent his bodyguards for me. My assistant pissed him off and it seems that my presence angered him even more." She whispered back, her eyes still glued on the outside. From the alley that they came from, she could see all ten of the men stepping out with metal bats. Two of them was coming right for them. "Shit." She muttered.

She turned to Kara and cupped her face. "You trust me?" Oblivious, Kara was confused but nodded. Before she knew it, soft lips crashed into hers. It took her by surprise honestly but after a few moments of staying still, Skylar pulled away. "Kiss me back before they come." And with that, the two of them kissed like their lives depended on it.

Both hearing the footsteps, they realised they slowed down when nearing the alleyway but still took hesitant steps. Not liking that they weren't backing away, Skylar planted open mouthed kisses to Kara's jawline and neck, eliciting a few quiet moans from the blonde underneath her. To make the act believable, the two of them ran their hands on each others body with fervor. Kara bit her lip, embarrassed to do this in public but when Skylar bit and sucked on her pulse point, that's when she lost it. She released a loud moan and that was when the two guys walked away.

The whole time that their lips touched, they both could feel electricity. They were both obsessed with the others lips that they continued kissing even though the two men left. Skylar repeatedly attacked Kara's neck while her hands squeezed her ass to pull the other closer. They both sighed at the warmth. "Skylar." Kara moaned and that seemed to snap the brunette out of it.

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