Chapter 16

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Rushing out, Kara pulled Alex to an alley to release her wrath on her sister. Lena stayed back as she could tell that it was a private conversation but remained close enough to step in if anything were to happen.

"What was that?" Kara said through gritted teeth. She couldn't believe Alex used this for her own agenda.

"What was what?" Alex feigned ignorance but Kara was having none of it.

"What's with the search of her office? The questions? I thought we were supposed to be interrogating her about the letter."


"No, Alex. You crossed the line. You made it personal." Kara was getting angrier by the second. She couldn't stand people being treated unfairly. Not after what happened to Lena.

Alex was pushed against the wall and Kara was staring her down, eyes glowing red. This was the first time Alex had seen this side of her sister. It sent a shiver down her spine. Lena saw the tension and stood in between the two sisters. She didn't want to see them fighting. At the sight of Lena, Kara's eyes immediately calmed.

"You both need to calm down. Alex, stop making this personal. Kara, calm down and think this through. We both have a lot on our plate right now so why not we call it a day and get some well needed rest?" Lena saw the two sisters nod and sighed in relief, happy to be able to de-escalate the situation.

Getting a call, Alex grimaced and left, muttering a small apology before driving off. The two just stood in the alley dumbfounded.

"Home or work?" Kara asked when she had changed to her Supergirl outfit.

"I think I'm going to my penthouse. But Alex was my ride." Lena's face filled with regret the moment those words left her mouth. Kara grinned and gently carried her before she took off flying to the penthouse. At this point, Lena couldn't even refuse the Super because those damn puppy dog eyes and pout always gets her.

Looking out from her balcony, Skylar saw a certain Super and Luthor dropping at a certain penthouse balcony. Unconsciously, a bright smile appeared on her face just seeing the two together. My girls. Skylar had to backtrack. Why did she feel so happy seeing them together?

"My girls? Lena is taken for godsakes. By Sam." Skylar muttered and was having an internal crisis. What does this even mean? Before she could even have time to process, she was called for a conference meeting and had to put her emotions on hold.

While all this was happening, Sam was back at home with a worried expression on her face. Lena hadn't been back from the emergency meeting she had at the DEO. She sighed. Sometimes her girlfriend was too harsh on herself. One of the most busiest CEO's and is working with Supergirl.

Sam had been trying to get her mind occupied instead of worrying about her girlfriend and made breakfast when she saw the time. Plating out pancakes, bacon and eggs, Ruby came down to a feast. The youngest was really spoiled by her mother and she knew it.

"Smells great, mom. Is Lena not here?" Ruby asked once she  looked around and saw the absence.

"No, she had some Supergirl thing to deal with. Apparently, it involves her brother." Sam sighed out, frustration and a sudden anger overtaking her mind.

"They really need to give her the benefit of the doubt. She isn't like her brother." Sam smiled at her child's words.

"When did you get so wise. You need to hurry or you'll be late." Ruffling her hair, Sam got up to get ready for work. She heard Ruby shout a bye and that's her cue to start making her own way to L-Corp. Surely, she would see her girlfriend there.

Barging into her girlfriend's office, the sight of the ravennete working relieved her. Sam was quick on her feet and pulled her into a tight hug. The hours of the raven haired not responding to her text had left her on edge. Lena on the other hand was very surprised but welcomed the hug nonetheless.

Sure she wasn't a big fan of physical touch but she could tell how worried Sam was.

"I'm sorry, Sammy. I'm okay." Muttering reassurances, Lena affectionately rubbed the tall brunette's back.

Pulling away, Sam couldn't wait any longer and surged forward; bringing the Luthor to a passionate kiss. Lena replied in kind, tangling her hand in the others hair. The CEO was glad that she had Eve cancel her schedule for the day. The two then were wrapped in their own little bubble, spending the entire day together. Mostly naked.

Back at Catco, Kara was busy doing her mountainous workload that she got from Snapper. To save more time, she had used her superspeed to quickly edit and write her article. She was so focused on her laptop that she didn't even hear James walking in her office. Only by the sound of his throat clearing did she look up.

"James, what brings you here? Need some help for an article?" Kara questioned and guided James to the couch.

"No no. I just wanted to talk to you about something." Kara forego her laptop and gave James her full attention, prompting him to continue.

"Its just something about Skylar. I followed her and saw her going into National City prison. She went in for two hours before coming back out." James started and pulled up the photo on his phone. Kara looked at the picture with a blank expression and James looked at her expectantly.

"James." Kara lowered her voice dangerously low. She was getting sick of this. Before she could continue, a knock was heard. The two turned and saw Skylar outside with a bag of Big Belly Burgers.

"Oh sorry. Am I interrupting something? I can just come back-" Skylar was about to turn but was stopped by a tall dark skinned man. She tilted her head to the side, wondering who he might be. He seemed familiar.

"Why were you at National City Prison?" He questioned, glaring at her. Skylar merely just raised her eyebrow.

"James! That's enough." Skylar heard and everything instantly clicked.

"Ah, you were at game night. What can I do for you Mr. Olsen?"

"Just answer the damn question." James said irritated. Kara was about to kick him out but Skylar merely shrugged her head. She was intrigued on where this was going.

"If you must know, I was visiting a friend. Now, it would be best to be on your way Mr Olsen. As you can see, I have a lunch date with the wonderful Ms Danvers." Skylar slyly smirked and Kara ushered him out. Sighing, Kara turned to the brunette beauty sitting on her couch and already laying the food out on the table.

"Thank you for that. So, what actually brings you here?" Kara asked after plopping next to the brunette.

"Just wanted to spend time with my favourite person. I didn't want you to feel guilty about your sister." Kara's heart fluttered at that. This woman, who already had a busy schedule, made time out of her day to see how she, a mere reporter, was doing.

"I appreciate it but you didn't have to." Skylar smiled when she saw the blonde took a bite out of her burger.

"Well, I heard from Sam that you're a big eater. I hope I got enough for you."

"Anything you get me is always enough for me." Kara said once the food was thoroughly chewed. Skylar was used to words of affection but what Kara said did numbers to her heart and stomach. Oh no. It can't be. Skylar shook that thought off her mind and focused more on the conversation.

Outside of the office, James narrowed his eyes at the sight before him. The two were on the couch happily laughing and playfully pushing each other. The sight was something. Kara was in too deep. James phone was ringing and he quickly answered.

"Is it done?" He asked the caller on the other line once he was out of earshot of a Kryptonian.

"Yep. Just need to get out of here. I'll have it linked to both of our computers so we would be alerted if anything happens." James nodded and ended the call. He looked back at the two in Kara's office, his gaze lingered more on Skylar. He would get to the bottom of it. For Kara's sake.

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