Chapter 2

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Barry used his super speed to reach into the DEO before Kara or Winn. He marveled at the spaceship and this made all the agents draw their guns, assuming an alien had breached into their base. Before anyone could do anything, Kara, or as known as Supergirl, intercepted.

"Guys, its fine, He's here to help us find livewire." At that, the agents starts lowering their guns. Lucy Lane stood in the middle with her hands one her hips, an exasperated look displayed on her face. "We do need all the help we can get."

"So what do I call you? Speedy?" She said referring to the red suited figure. "Barry Allen" He said, unmasking himself. After exchanging pleasantries, Supergirl showed him a lab located in the DEO.

"My sisters lab's right over there."

"Aww, you have a sister." Barry said in a higher pitch. "Where she at?"

"I wish I knew."

After playing around with satellites and the algorithm that Barry creted, they found an abandoned location with a significantly high electricity usage. Supergirl, Barry and Winn triangulated the position and finally found their hideout.

"We finally found livewire." Supergirl announced, gaining everyone's attention.

"I see bad guys love their abondoned warehouses on your earth, too, huh?"

"I'll authorize a drop team-" Lucy said but was interrupted by Supergirl.

"No, no. She's too dangerous. Let's go." She spoke with finality. With that, Barry got up and asked what the plan was.

"Catch the bad girl, bring her here so she can't hurt anyone, 85% of punching."

"I know that but what's the plan plan. Maybe we can overload her somehow?" He suggested, not wanting to go in blindly. After a bit of arguing, Supergirl just wanted to bring Livewire back in before she could hurt anyone.

"I defeated her before, I could do it again. With your help." She pointed to Barry. "Right behind you." The two heroes made their way to that abondoned warehouse.

After theie first attempt of bringing the bad girls in went busto, Kara stood outside the balcony of Catco, contemplating her life. After having a heart to heart with her other Super friend, she was now determined to bring them in no matter what.

Oh, shit. Was what Winn thought when both Siobhan and Leslie were in the same place as him and Cat Grant. This is not going to end well. Once Winn saw Siobhan walking towards Cat, he did everything in his power to try and make her see that what she was doing is wrong, that this is just a whole gimmick her mind was playing.

"Please, Siobhan. Let me help you." He pleaded softly, gently cupping her face. He saw in her eyes that she was contemplating, hesitating, but all that was gone once she took a step back. "Sorry. I'm good as is." A scream so loud and powerful knocked him back a couple feet away.

Meanwhile at the DEO, Barry and Kara were working on something to deal with Siobhan's powers. "Back on my earth, we fought a villain who used sound waves as his weapon. Called himself Pied Piper." Barry recounted. "That's a cool name." He hummed in agreement at Kara's words and continues.

"So, I whipped these bad boys." He said showing an earbud that illuminated a light blue colour. "It'll protect us from the banshee's yelly voice." Before she could inspect it, Lucy just told them that Livewire and Silver Banshee kidnapped Cat Grant. Just as she was finishing, a video message popped up behind her.

Getting on the bike, Skylar made her way to the nearest city, National City. It took some time but once she made it, she could see the loud and bustling city. It was peaceful. Wanting to unwind from the long trip, she parked at the nearest park and relaxed her mind, trying to organise her thoughts and what her next course of action was. Nothing seemed to be amiss. That was until a broadcast of some woman with white hair broadcasted her video message for the whole city to see.

Before she could question what was going on, people had run and left the park, leaving her the only one there, deserted. Skylar was confused but a flash of lightning was all it took to snap out of her thoughts. What the hell. The woman who was previously on the video message was now terrorising the people at the park. She could see that she wasn't alone.

What caught her attention was that the white haired was using electricity from her palms, much like her powers. She also saw how there was a hostage and the looks on the villains faces made her think they were waiting for someone. Before she could do anything, a red suited guy and a girl with a big S on her chest was infront of them.

Skylar's breath was caught in her chest. She looks exactly like her. She cursed under her breath. This whole multiverse thing was freaky. Her gaze was stuck on the blonde haired woman, looking exactly like Kate from her world, her previous lover. Skylar shook her head. Different world, different people. She's apparently a hero here. She observed the woman as the two heroes made a comical introduction.

A shriek so loud made her cover her ears. Damn, that woman has some vocal range. She saw the white haired woman disappeared, embodying electricity. But she was such an amatuer that she left a blue trace so the red suit guy knew where she was going.

As much as she wanted to see how the two electric people fought, Skylar just couldn't keep her eyes of the doppelgänger. She was so kind and gentle. Helping people. She saw how the hero used the ground to throw against the banshee.

Now it was two villains versus one hero. Aiming for the helicopter, the woman who Skylar referred to as Zappy shot an electric charge. Supergirl jumped in between, letting herself get the shock. And she's selfless. This was a breath of fresh air for Skylar. Seeing someone's doppelgänger from her damaged world doing good for the people.

Falling to the ground, the group of people were murmuring something along the lines of "she's hurt" and "she saved us"
Can't stand to see the crowd getting hurt, she took cover behind a bush and willed herself to take some of the villain's powers. Just as she was about to electrify the crowd, nothing came out. It worked. This left everyone confused.

Splashes of water came into contact with Livewire and in turn electrified her partner. This grabbed the attention of the crowd, forgetting what had happened a few moments prior. Skylar felt herself being recharged and quickly but stealthily made her way back to her bike.

The firefighters were the ones responsible for the water and one extended his hand to Supergirl, helping her stand up. "Looks like the day has been saved." She saw a couple of agents retrieving the villains and Skylar took this chance to sit on the park bench.

"I saw what you did." A voice spoke up, alarming her. Skylar looked up, seeing it as the woman who was once captured. "I don't know what you're talking about, lady." She said, nonchalantly.

"What you did to Leslie or should I call her Livewire. You're one of them aren't you?" The two woman was having an intense staring contest. "Ms. Grant. You have to be checked by the paramedics." The blonde haired hero called.

"Oh Supergirl relax. I was taken hostage, not tortured." Not wanting to be in between their conversation, she slowly slid away from them and got on her bike. "And you still haven't answered my question." Cat asked the retreating figure. This also made Supergirl focus on the other girl.

Skylar looked back at Cat, a smirk on her face. "For me to know, for you to find out." She turned her attention to Supergirl. "Also, good job by the way, Supergirl. Till we meet again. Ciao!" With a wink, she wore her helmet and started her bike. With that, Skylar rode off before Supergirl could say a response. What the ladies fail to notice is the light pink hue on the blonde's face.

After Kara sent Barry home, she made her own way back home. She was waiting nervously for someone until a knock on the door, revealing James. With the pair inside, they both wanted to say something but James ultimately let Kara have the first start.

After multiple ramblings and albeit cringe, Kara pulled through by confessing her want to be together with James. She gave up on her words and kissed him. After a few moments, he doesn't say anything but walked out of the apartment.

"James? Where are you going.." Her voice trailed off seeing he's not the only one acting this way. Kara made her way to the window and saw that the whole of National City was awake and stood below, like robots.

"Oh god, why can't I have a normal day." Kara muttered.

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