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Dear diary,

It's 00:16 in the morning of 13 February yet I am writing the story from yesterday. I need to get it off my chest before I forget.

I woke up. Only I really wished I didn't. I don't know why I am feeling so down today. Maybe it's the hormones. That's what the boys always say. 

We went ice skating today. I felt like I was good at something. It were two happy hours before I got back home again. That's when I read my bestfriend's story. I am in it and I have a boyfriend in there. Not in real life, no.

The rest of the day I chilled. I remember thinking every day if I am still worthy enough to live. I wasn't scared of death. I felt like I was challenging it. But then I watched an episode with my father where a man dies. They where talking about death, and how it scared them. And so it scared me.

But I am still not okay.

Sometimes, when I say "I'm okay." I want someone to look into my eyes, hug me tight and say, "I know your not."

Maybe I was feeling extra down today because I didn't shift. I failed. I am going to try again, though.

I am only not feeling okay enough to write further.


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