Dear diary,
Okay so- We are gonna start past Saturday since I forgot some shit.
I was sick though, and that was so annoying. I studied for the whole day and at around 15:00, my sister ran into the room, whispered something and ran away again. I could make out a few words ad finally I discovered that she said the sentence: "If you want a profiterole you have to come dowstairs."
I first texted my father to make sure that that was what she said, and then I texted back, "No I am sorry I have to study. I'll take mine later."
Now it's later. AND EVERYONE was eating their second one, and there was only one profiterole left. Now that doesn't really bother me but the fact that they didn't shared everything with me equally. I literally had to pay to study.
And after that I had to give up three more hours of studying, since it was Fathersday. Normally we only do breakfast on bed, but instead of that he wanted THREE HOURS PLAYING A STUPID GAME! Now I got so anxious because it was a team game and we had to like- work together.
But surprise surprise! My mother took the lead. I had to stop her and my father and my sister at least 10 times because they were doing things wrong and that made me really anxious.
Okay so that was Saturday, now Sunday.
I am literally not kidding. I can't think of anything special that happened-
I mean I studied but that was it.
I might add a few more things in the next part in case I did forgot something.
Now to today.
Today was kind of fun...?
First we had Geography and that was pretty boring because we basically had to work.
OH BTW! I think I forgot to mention that today was my last school day! Only the testweek and I am done!
Second we had Physics, but my friend Claire, forgot the assignment we had to hand in... now he is mad...
It was pretty fun that lesson! I spend half of it ranting to my friends about how done I am with everyone around me except them! (And you guys but they don't know y'all)
I also mocked the guy that always mocks everyone haha.
So in Physics we had to go into duos, I went with Isla, and we had to do like little exercises and the one who had most of them correct won three chocolate bars.
Let me just tell you... I did not won-
We didn't even came close! We did got a piece of chocolate though! Nom nom.
Also Layla stole the NEW hair clip thingy from Abigail and smashed it on the ground and stepped on it- After that she thought she was still our friend. She becomes more of a bitch every fucking day.
After Physics we had German and one thing happened.
I was talking with Layla because Abigail (Abby) had to sit next to Layla and Abby didn't really want to talk to Layla so I thought, I am going to talk to Layla so that Abby doesn't really have to.
And the way we were sitting was like this:
Abigail - Layla
Pineapple - Hunter
Lena - Josie
Isla - MeSo I walked towards Layla because she wrote some tea down and wanted me to read that, so I took her notebook with me and I went back to my table. It was basically all about a date she had with her boyfriend. (Honestly I still think she might like Hunter.)
I went back to her table and I gave it back to her and when I walked back to my table HUNTER HIS LITERAL HEAD FOLLOWED MY MOVEMENTS!!! I am not even kidding.
And guys feel privileged cuz you guys know these earlier than my rl friends!
That was all from German.
In the break I was talking with Aaliyah and she and I are the only ones who have younger sisters. When I tell you that we spend the whole break complaining to each other about how annoying it is to be the eldest daughter.
Btw I am not attacking any of y'all here!! Being very kind of sibling is just as difficult but like- I don't know how it feels to be a middle child or youngest child cuz I can only be the oldest. I don't know the pain that you all experience so please do not attack me.
After the break we had Art and Design.
Okay this is gonna be fun but also weird.
We were allowed to sit where we want, but now there were like five very big tables and we sat with our whole friend group at one, plus Layla. I was done with what I had to do and I started ranting to my friends again about like literally everything when Abigail suddenly said: "Should I set you up with my cousin?"
Idk why but I started smiling. I don't even know her cousin!
We are going to call him Jake, 'cause why not? And according to Abby he is 5'11 feet!! That is 0'4 feet taller than me haha
He has brown fluffy hair and he has brown eyes and the way Abby described him (his personality) literally made me blush. I just didn't say yes yet, as permission.
Meanwhile, Isla, Audrey and Josie got ideas and Josie kept telling me to marry her cousin and Isla only joked about me with her cousin twice. And Audrey only once.
Okay so that was Art and Design!!
Now onto Math.
We didn't start the lesson immediately because the teacher had to talk to some other students and I got bored so I got up and jumped high enough to touch the ceiling. (Which is only like 30-50 cm above me. I am not spiderman.) I also met the children from my mentor from last year! They were so cute!
And Abby made a VERY valid point. She said: "Like this is the reason why I wan't kids later." (Meanwhile those two kids were just being cute.)
In Math nothing much happened, but Hunter and I made eye contact and I caught him staring multiple times.
Also I like to believe that I am delusional so let's just say that it seemed like he was jealous!!
I gotta focus on Jake.
Oh also another girl from my class also has a crush on Hunter lmao.
After school I stayed with a group friends and we had a lot of fun! Like we had a tennis ball and we were throwing that around and we did like gymnastic contests and we forgot the time.
I came home 1 hour late.
But apparently my parents weren't worried! Which almost made me cry multiple times 'cause when my sister is away longer then she was supposed to be away. Like five minutes or something, they immediately get worried.
Not with me though!
I also had the best dinner of my life today hehe!
It was like a type of sandwich with tuna, tomato, quacemole, lettuce and beef jerky.
Nom nom
That was everything! Bye my loves <33!! I'll tell you all tomorrow if I missed something!!

My Diary
RandomTake a look into my life! The chapters are not that long. If a chapter is longer it usually means that I am sharing a story or that I put texts into it. Please do not leave hate comments and please do not report me for sharing my life with you guys...