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Dear diary,

I didn't shift, again. BUT

Today was the first selection training and I found out that if I get selected beteen a number of people two more times, I get to play in the Junior NBA!! 

I also had horseback riding and it was more fun than normally. I don't know why. It just was.

I also went to the party of my cousin. It was his birthday.

Oh and the reason why I didn't upload as much yesterday is because I was tired and pissed.

You know why? Because one of my friends decided to reveal two of my secrets in front of the class. THIS IS THE FOURTH FUCKING TIME AND I AM GOING TO KILL HER.

Anywayyyyy... But for real.

I already know who is fake and who is real. I just play along.

Plus if I won't be friends anymore, our entire group will split up and of course I am sure that they'll choose her.

I also watched the movie Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr. today. It was... Different.

Anywayyyy that's all I wanted to say! I love you guys! And let's try to shift!!


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