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Lena's POV

What the fuck was happening with Stef I had no idea. Did she lose her mind or what? Did she really get close to cheat on me, thing that I never thought she would do to me...

Apparently, she didn't, and I think I believe her, but now the question is with who?

I mean I know she often take a babysitter to go out with our friends, and Stef is a very attractive woman. Without me there to show people that she's very married, I'm sure that they are some girls who tried at the very least to approach her.

I have always trusted Stef, and even though I had my insecurities at the begging of our relationship, she manages to calm them, heal them even and I've never felt threaten since... well except once... that time Tess appeared into our life and literally made a mess out of Stef. That's the only time that I feared that she would look at another woman than me.

Now my concern is, is Tess messing with her head again? Is it a coincidence that approximately a month after Tess show up, Stef comes near to fuck someone else. Was that someone Tess?

And if it's her, what the hell am I going to do? Kill her, slap her, I mean... Tess better watch her back if I hear that she hit on my wife. God help her, because I'll be her worst nightmare, and Stef... well Stef knows better, and just the fact that she wanted it, that she was actually considering stepping out on me... it's very disappointing not to mention hurtful because she should know that no matter how far I am, I still love her, and I still deserve loyalty.

After that phone call where she proceeds to yelled at me, I was so speechless that during my meeting, I was completely passive, and I missed every point of it. I was out of it, and clearly didn't do a good job, and for that I blame Stef, I really do. She should have wait after my meeting to dump that kind of thing on me, but no, she couldn't just wait a little.

I knew I had to go back home though. I know that this wasn't something I could leave like that, I needed to take care of this because Stef is not a cheater, and if she came close to become one, something must have happened. I don't see any other explanation.

So here I am, in front of my own house, not really knowing how to feel, for usually I'm happy to get home no matter how busy I am. But right now, it's different. Something is not right, like everything is going to go wrong, but I have no choice but to face it.

So I walk in...

"Stef?" I shoot as I put my bags on the floor before I close the door behind me. Thankfully at that time of the day, Kamaya is at school so we will be able to talk properly.

"I'm here..." she says in a quiet voice as she comes from the bathroom and I can tell she has been crying, probably all night for her eyes are red, and she has bags under them as I look at her, not really knowing what to say, for I can see that she's hurt... it's written all over her face, and I don't even know why... I mean could it be me? Did I do that?

"So...?" I say, trying to encourage her to speak because I have no idea where to begin.

"That's all you have to say?" she attacks immediately as I frown my eyes, getting quite angry all of the sudden.

"Are serious? You're the one who almost cheated on me, dropped that bomb on me right before my meeting, and YOU are angry?!" I say approaching her a little as she looks defiantly into my eyes, and I could see this fire into them, that I rarely saw directed toward me.

"Of course, all you're thinking about is your precious meeting, not how threaten how marriage is. Tell me when did the switch happen? When did your job became everything to you? When did it become more important than me, more important that your daughter? What happened to you Lena?" she says as I was taking aback by those accusations again.

"I do everything I can to find a balance between my job and you guys, and you know it Stef. You can't blame me for that job, you encouraged me to take that job." I defend.

"Yeah, and I came to regret that action you know. There's no damn balance Lena. Your job always comes first, and that is not working me for me, or Kamaya, you have to make a real change, I don't know how, whatever it will take, but you better figure out a way, because I swear to God, Lena, I'm very close to..." and that's when she stopped.

"Close to what? Leave me? Cheat on me? And tell me who did you almost cheat on me with, was it Tess?" I ask, fuming by now as I can tell she boiling as well, and I know that we should both settle down before having this discussion, but that wasn't going to happen right now.

"Don't even go there. Don't you dare. That is not what matter, the matter is, I'm so unhappy that I almost broke our vows, and you are the only one who can fix that because I want my wife back Lena. I want that woman that I fell so in love with, I want that thoughtful and affectionate woman, that woman that would cry because she hurt when I hurt, that devoted mother to all of our kids. I want her back, Lena. I need you to bring her back..." she says with anger, mix with pain, and even hope and I don't know what to do, how to feel...

"People change Stef, I've evolved, you did too, why should I be the one making changes to make you happy? That was never the deal, you're responsible of your own happiness Stef, I can't just choose between my happiness and yours, that is not fair." I end up saying.

"Fair enough. Okay. Then what would you choose between me and your job Lena? I'm not asking you to choose, I would never do that, but I asking you, if you'd absolutely have to choose, what would you pick? What makes you happy in life?" she says as I have no idea how to respond to that, and I'm silence for a moment.

"Wow..." she starts, but I have to stop her because I don't want her to think that I would choose my job, I wouldn't.

"No, Stef, that... that is not fair. You... you can't do that. You know that it's not that simple. You are my wife and I love you so of course I would always choose you, but I also love my job, it became a part of who I am..." I try to explain.

"There was a time where I was the one being a part of who you are... you changed, it's true and I... I don't know how to deal with the person that you became because I'm not... I'm not sure that I like this person." She spills out, which felt like I'm being punch in the stomach.

"What... what are you saying?" I ask, not liking at all where this was going.

"I'm saying that, if that is the person that you chose to be then I... I'm out... I don't even recognize you anymore and I... I've been loving you for years, and you know loving you had never hurt as much as it does now... so I'm done, I'm done feeling miserable, I'm done being miserable, I rather stick with the good memory that I have of you, of us, before I end up hating you and trust me I'm very close to that point... so I think... I... I think we are going to get a divorce Lena." she says as this literally broke my heart in half, and I literally felt my legs get weak on the spot.

"Stef, no! Don't say that... don't do this to me, I... you can't be doing this..." I say, getting tears growing into my eyes, and feeling such panic rise into me, because the idea of losing her never even crossed my mind. And now, now that she's saying this I... I'm realizing that I can't, I can't lose her...

"And you know what, I'm gonna go now, because I can't stand you, looking at me like I just broke your heart when you've been breaking mine over and over... and you didn't even notice." She whispers with tears slowly sliding down her face before she does something that literally shocked me... she takes her wedding ring off... put in on the table as I can tell she's trying very hard not to broke down in front of me.

I stand there as she walk pass me and it takes me some time before I realize that I have to hold her back, I have to make her stay so that we can work it out for I don't want a divorce, I don't want her to become my... my ex-wife, I want her by my side until the day I die, I want her and everything with her and I... I can't lose her, I rather give up that job that she seems to hate so much and stay with her, instead of losing her.

And it's only when I hear the door slam behind her that I manage to get a grip and go after her, opening our front door again.

"Stef! No, Stef wait!" I shoot but she keeps walking straight.

I'm not even sure she knows where she's going, she just walks straight ahead, and all of the sudden, as my wife was crossing the road, a car came out of nowhere, going faster than it should and...

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