Let Me See Them Again

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Lena's POV

It's been two weeks since Stef's accident... six days since she can breathe on her own, that her edema has healed, and she still hadn't wake up.

Her cuts over her body and her head are now almost all faded, it's just her leg that is still in a cast and up, but God do I pray for her to wake up. Sometimes I'm even mad at her for that, I want to scream to her to come back to me so that we can be happy again, grow old together and love each other until death pull us apart, but not now... she can't die now.

I know I can't lose hope, but man this is the hardest thing that ever happened to me in life. If that was my punishment for having treated her so badly then it's certainly working.

I'm in so much pain, my heart is... it's literally broken, and I don't know what to do with myself... I'm trying very hard to keep it together, but I feel like I'm going to explode on those doctors for why the hell can't they wake her up...

On top of that, at one point I had to go home and face my little girl... I had to tell her what was going on with Stef and she broke down intently. She had a huge melt down, and she was inconsolable no matter how hard I tried to comfort her. Nothing was working, she was sobbing and nothing and no one could stop it.

I'm not proud to admit that at some point I even cried with her in my arms, completely sobbed with her because I couldn't take that pain into her voice, and she was saying that she wanted her mommy...


"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry my baby... I'm sorry I haven't been here enough, I should have been here, I'm sorry." I cried as I had Kamaya wrapped in my arms, and all the guilt I feel is even stronger now that I just broke her little heart... I could take this pain I could feel in her little body... it was harder than anything I had to face in my life.

"Is mommy going to die?" she asked as she pulled a bit away from me to look into my eyes, hers full of tears matching mines... and how the hell do I answer that?

"I... the doctors said she was going to be fine, we just have to wait a little, baby..." I tried to sound convincing though in my mind I'm such a mess.

"Are you going to go back in Sacramento? Are you going to leave us again?" she cried even louder, and I grab her into my arms again.

"No, never. I'll never leave you and your mommy even again. I promise. I'm here, and I'll always be here now, I promise. swear that to you my love, I'm here." I stated for that is a promise, I'll never make that mistake again, I'll never let anything get on the way between me and my family, ever.

As Kamaya clench to me for dear life, I feel my heart breaking more and more and wondering if our life will ever be the same again, when we had everything and we were happy like nothing else...


Fortunately, Brandon stepped up and took Kamaya for a ride to try to calm her down, while the girls had to help me calm down.

It was honestly awful of me to put them kids in this situation. Sure, they were adults, but they are still and always will be our babies and it is our role to comfort them and not the other way around because I know how heartbroken they all are as well.

There's a thing that I'm not looking forward to is when they will all go back to their life... I know that eventually they would have to if Stef doesn't wake up soon.

They are young and they have things to do out there, and they should just go live their life while I take care of their mother.

Right now, they are taking care of me, along with Sharon who is staying in the guest house, making sure that I eat, that I shower for they literally have to fight me to get out of Stef's room because I don't want to leave her there. I want to be by her side at each second... it's impossible though...

Also, Cindy tried to contact me, the head if the assembly as well, but I didn't respond. That chapter of my life is over, and I don't care if I let them down for Stef is my priority and that would forever be the case from now on.

I was like a zombie by now because I don't sleep that well for, I stay here at night. There's no way I'm letting my wife here alone, so I stay and though the nurses try to get me to sleep in the bed they put out for me, I don't because it's too far from Stef. I need to feel her hand in mine, I need to feel her warmth because as long as she's warm, she's still alive. So I do sleep, but in the chair, my head resting next to her arm.

That's what I'm doing right now. Nothing but holding her hand because that's all I can do...

But suddenly, I felt a pressure...

"Stef?" I say, opening my eyes wide to see if she really just moved because she never done that before.

"Baby, can you hear me? Can you do that again? Please squeeze my hand again, come on. You can do this, please." I literally beg, my eyes filling with tears, and she did again.

"Yes! Yes! Stef... baby try to open your eyes, my love... let me see them again, babe. Open your eyes." I plead as I can see that she's trying, her eyebrows are frowning.

"I need a doctor here!" I yelled while still holding Stef's soft hand.

"Come on Stef. Wake up baby... You need to come back to us, come on..." I say as I massage her chest, trying to stimulate her for her to open her eyes.

She's still trying and I'm over the edge and worried at the same time as I can't help but kiss her forehead multiple times, asking her, begging her not to let me down and stay with me.

"Mrs. Adams Foster, step aside please. I need to examine her." the doctor says as he enters the room and I absolutely don't want to move, and they literally have to pull me out of here kicking and screaming because I was going insane, I needed Stef to be okay and fucking wake up already or I was going to lose my mind.

I was forced to wait outside for a few minutes, which was the longest minutes of my life, when finally, the doctor came to get me, asking me to come in.

As I got into that room, rush into it in fact, my heart literally explodes when I saw Stef well awake, her eyes, those beautiful hazel eyes, well open.

Confused, but alive...

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