The Bench...

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Two years and a half later...

Stef's POV

Today is a very special day for it's our little princess's birthday. Our little Kamaya is becoming not that little anymore, but Lena and I just can't help seeing her like our little baby still, for she's our last and we are so sad, but at the same time so proud and grateful for all our beautiful children. So proud that they all keep growing up no matter how much it breaks our hearts.

Unfortunately, neither of her sibling were able to make it to her little party, so we decided to let her invite some of her friends over along with her two grandmas.

She was still pretty happy, so we went with that. Lena is going crazy with the preparation because she wants everything to be perfect to make up the fact that the other kids won't be here.

We had to take a day off from the shelter for it, but it was so worth it because a whole day with our girl is always a pleasure, and we love it more than anything. We know that sooner than we would like, she will go live her life, probably away from us, and we would be left with just our memories...

It's hard not to remember the time I spend with Kamaya before my accident, but at least with her I had the occasion to create new ones during those almost three years... with my other kids however, it feels like I lost everything of them... I'm still learning to know them because I don't see them as much as I would like, and it breaks my heart to think about it.

So most of the time I try not to. I try very hard to focus on the present, on the luck that I have to spend time with my wife and daughter.

In the meantime, we have a new little one in the family. Jesus and Emma welcomed a little boy eighteen months ago and named him Stewart... No need to say that Lena cried for hours for it meant the world to her and I love that our son managed to heal a little part of her.

That one too we don't see that often, but I get it, they have their own life and as hard as it is to accept, we do our best to support them from afar and we call them all regularly.

It's like 6 in the morning and I find Lena in the kitchen already dressed when I'm still in my pajama and Kamaya is still sleeping.

I walk very quietly behind her and slap both her ass cheeks hard, making her jump and yelp, which always makes me laugh like nothing else.

"Stef!!" she screams, turning around abruptly, a furious look on her face, which unfortunately for her, I find sexier than anything.

"Hi!" I say, innocently as she gives me a disapproving look.

"You made me mess up my beautiful ice topping!" she says, showing me the little chocolate cupcake with vanilla cream spread over it.

At this, I do a risky thing and just lean in to bite on the cupcake in her hand, making a mess on my face as I look at her with a wide smile and the way she's looking at me right now, I know she wants to spank me.

"I'm not talking to you today." She says now turning away from me, to grab another one of her cupcakes to decorating it.

"Oh come on, my love." I say now pressing my front to her back and sliding my arms around her slim waist, but she just ignores me.

"Your cupcake is delicious. Kamaya is going to love it." I say softly against her neck for I know she's all over the place and she's stressed when she has to throw a party, and obviously I don't take it that seriously and it drives her crazy.

"I know." she says, still playing upset, but I know she's not really, she just wants me to participate more, which is fair, and I will, just... it's 6 AM...

"You know you just talked to me, right?" I push my luck feeling her sigh deeply as I smile.

"Okay, sorry, sorry. I drink my coffee, then I'm going to take my shower to come back help you. You are allowed to boss me around today, okay?" I say, pulling her ever more into me as I kiss softly on her neck.

"Okay." she says simply.

"But, don't stress it honey. Kamaya is happy with what we planned for her. You can chill a little bit baby and enjoy the day like everyone else." I say as she sighs before turning around in my arms again to look into my eyes, making me smile at her beautiful face.

"I just want everything to be perfect." She says.

"I know. And it will be because you are the best mom ever, and because she will have only people that love her around, plus all the gift and all... You know she's amazing and she doesn't need much to be happy." I say now stroking her cheek as she finally relaxes and melts into me.

Little did I know that the day wasn't going to be perfect at all, in fact it was going to be a disaster.

"You look very nice by the way." I say in a cheesy tone, making her smile and put her arms around my neck.

"And you look... in your pajama..." she jokes with a silly grin on her face, making me laugh.

"Alright, alright. I'm going to take a shower and come back fresh only for you, my love." I say before pecking on her soft lips as I pull away from her body and start to walk away.

"Hurry." She says before it's her turn to slap my ass now as I laugh and turn around to wink at her.

I head to our room and pick out my clothes for the day and then I walk into the bathroom and try to start to undress, feeling a weird feeling in my stomach and also in my head.

Suddenly I felt like where am I is familiar, like... like everything around me was my all life, and I was seeing thing in that bathroom, I was seeing Lena and then I'm not even in the bathroom anymore, I'm out. I see Brandon little; I see Jesus and Mariana little, sit somewhere in an office or something, I see Callie, with bruises all over her face, I see Jude covering his ears, fear written all over his little face, Kamaya, with a purplebandage on her tiny finger... I see Lena... younger...

"The bench... Lena..." I find myself whispering, feeling my heart racing like never before and my breath getting dangerously short as my head is killing me and spinning until I feel myself go and everything went black...

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