Memory Box

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Lena's POV

The teary conversation I had with Kamaya yesterday hit me like a tone of brick. I haven't realized that she thought Stef didn't love her the same. For me it was obvious that Stef has fallen in love with her all over again, but apparently Kamaya needed some reassurance, so I talked about it with Stef last night and she said she will do the necessary.

Today, Kamaya is at the birthday party of one of her friends, so it's just Stef and me for lunch, and God am I not hungry today... I'm playing in my food with my fork, I have no desire for anything today, much like the past few days if I'm honest and I'm just... I just need something... I need something to change, anything, but I... I don't feel great in my life right now. A lot happened this year, and I need something to get me out of that state of depression that is becoming harder and harder to manage.

"Lena... do you want something else to eat? You barely touched your plate." Stef breaks the silence as I look into her soft eyes. She has been incredibly patient with me; she hadn't raised her voice once since my father died and I can tell she's trying to spare my feelings.

"No, I'm good..." I say slowly feeling like I don't have much energy today.

"Are you sure? I can order something, or I could get it for you, or we could even go out to eat together, hum? What do you say?" she offered as I nod my head no.

"Lena... I worry about you. You're not eating properly, it's not good for your health... I... I don't know what to do. I'll do anything to make you feel better, just... just tell me what I can do..." she says gently, with indeed worried in her voice.

It's almost like she was before, the way she speaks to me, how soft and gentle she is... I missed that part of her so, so much...

"Would you... hum... would you go on a ride with me?" I ask hesitantly for I was so scared of rejection with her now.

"Sure... but we'll bring a snack, and you'll eat it... deal?" she says as I just want to get out of here and since she seems so worried, I gave in.

"Okay." I whisper.

And just like that, after a silent drive, that I didn't mind that much since it was comfortable for once, I find myself, with my wife, in front of a house... that same house we've lived in for so many years, the happiest place on earth, and most importantly, the place where Frankie's tree is.

"What is this place?" Stef asks as I was so focus on all of the memories that I have in this house that I didn't even move an inch since I parked the car.

"Oh it's... this is our former house... we... we were so happy here..." I say as Stef's face light up and she looks now at that front house, herself getting caught up by it.

"It's pretty... I like it." she says softly, looking back at me and smiling lightly.

"I had to beg you to buy it. I would drag you in there every chance I get and show you how beautiful and how perfect it was for us, to build our family..." I say almost smiling for like the first time today for it took some time to convince her, but that woman would have done anything to make me happy.

"I was a hardhead, huh?" she jokes, smiling knowingly.

"Yeah, most of the time, but for this you were just... you were worried that we couldn't afford it. You were just being pragmatic; it was to protect us as always. You only agreed once I told you that my father was going to give my early heritance, then with some more begging, I got to you." I smile for it's a good memory, it was us being us, for I say something, Stef says no, and then I have to convince her... I've always loved that about us, even if at time it could drive me crazy.

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