Chapter 12: Dad

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I can't fucking breathe he's here I can't talk it's like I'm frozen on the spot he hasn't changed one bit still has the same evil smirk on his face the same brown hair that's dripping with grease and the smell of beer that follows him wherever he goes.

Well let me the fuck in then he says barging past me and making his way to my kitchen probably to get himself a drink.

I take a deep breath and follow him into the kitchen he's sat at the table helping himself to all my stuff. I'm not letting him see that I'm scared this is it I'm finally going to stand up for myself.

Get the fuck out of my house I shout regretting saying that as soon as it left my mouth.

He shoots up from the table and grabs me by the neck and forces me up against the wall. Shit

Dont think you're all big and mighty now lexi I'll kill you in an instant he says I'm your father have some respect.

Respect are u having a fucking laugh and your not my father when have u ever been a father to me oh I know maybe when you would hit your kids till there on the floor in agony or maybe when Jamie left because he couldn't stand your shit anymore. His face has gone all red and he has a vein shooting out of his head his angry.

I'm going to fucking kill you he grabs a hold of my neck whilst still having me pinned on the wall I can't fucking breathe.

For the longest time all I've wanted is to be gone out of this cruel world so the pain would stop but now I actually have something to live for I need to live for Cole and for my future with Leah the thought of this gives me the strength to fight back. I knee him in the stomach he releases his grip from around my neck I fall to the floor gasping for air.

Looks like you have grown a set of bollocks since you were a kid Lexi he says making his way back over to me I stand up and I catch him off guard I throw my fist back and it connects with his face. He didn't even flinch he just let a laugh out. He keeps on making his way over to me with an evil smirk that's when I feel a kick to my ribs and a fist to my face I fall to the floor I can feel the blood rushing out of my nose and a pain in my ribs.

Remember this the next time you try and fight back against me Lexi he says standing over me with a smirk on his face and don't think this is over Lex I'm always going to be here watching you can't get away. He walks out the kitchen and I can hear the front door close. He's gone

I can't move the pain in my ribs getting worse by the second and my face and the floor is covered in blood. Leah I need Leah.

I push myself up off of the floor I feel instant pain everywhere I grip onto anything and everything for support I make my way outside to my car and drive the pain still not stopping but I need to see leah.

I make it to Leah's house I get out my car stumbling as I do so. I make it to her front door and knock I'm gripping onto the wall for support. The door opens and Leah's stood there I think I woke her up shit.

She runs over to me and grabs me I wince as she does so everything fucking hurts.

Lex what happened are u ok she saying guiding me into her kitchen and sitting me down on a chair she grabs a towel to clean up the blood that's still dripping down my face.

After about 10 minutes of me screaming down her house from the pain and Leah apologising every second she finally cleaned up all the blood.

I stand up and wrap my arms around her I instantly feel safe and relax in her arms and that's when the tears start coming. I can see she's worried and wants to know what happened but I can't tell her right now I just need to be in her arms it's the only place I feel safe.

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