Chapter 13: shopping

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It's been a week since I've went to the hospital so only one more week left till I can play football again I've missed it I've stayed at Leah's for the past week the girls have been round most nights to keep me company they don't know what happened I said I just fell down the stairs which Katie keeps taking the piss out of me for but I'd rather that than her knowing what actually happened. Cole's been round every day as well he says it's because he misses me but I know he is just worried and doesn't want me to fall back into the dark place I used to be in.

Speaking of Cole me and him are going out today we are going into town to do some shopping which I can't wait for I've been locked in this house on bed rest all week Leah's been a stress head she keeps checking up on me every five minutes every time I'd get out of bed she would ask where I was going.

The girls are also playing against Tottenham today me and Cole are going to watch it after we have done shopping I can't wait it's been ages since I've watched a game as a fan obviously I'm gutted to not be playing with them but not much I can do really. Leah has already left for the game so I'm pretty bored sat here waiting for Cole to show up he was meant to be here 5 minutes ago which I'm going to have a fat go at him for he was ringing and texting me all morning telling me that I better be ready when he gets here because he knows what I'm like always late but he can't really say much now.

After another 10 minutes of me waiting for him to show up I finally hear him honk his horn. About fucking time I lock up the house and make my way over to the car.

Well well well cole what was it you said to me this morning you better be ready when I get here your always late for things I say with a smirk on my face I'm going to enjoy this.

No don't even I couldn't find my fucking car keys I looked everywhere literally everywhere for them and couldn't find them.

Oh right I'm sure that's what happened Cole I say I know for a fact that's what happened because he was getting on my nerves yesterday so I hid his Keyes in the fridge.

Lexi I'm being serious and you will never guess where I found them he says.

I think I will be able to guess I say with a smirk.

I bet you £50 you won't be able to guess.

Was it in your fridge by any chance I say with a smirk.

You fucking little shit you put my keys in the fridge Lexi I swear when I'm out this car I'm going to kill you.

Wo wo wo it was just a lucky guess Cole I say laughing.

Oh really was it now I swear to god Lexi I really hate you sometimes.

No you don't I say.

I know I don't but your so fucking annoying sometimes he says.

Now I would like my £50 please Cole.

No a fucking chance he says.

Oh wow worth a try I say laughing.

Me and cole have been shopping for about an hour now I've got myself some new clothes and so did Cole we are now in a jewellery shop I can see Cole looking at this watch his face lit up when he looked at it.

Lexi come look at how nice this watch is cole says dragging me over to look at it.

Ye it's nice you should get it how much is it I say looking at the price for him. £5,800 that's how much it was.

Fucking hell put that back now that's way to much Cole says backing away from it probably to scared of dropping it or something.

Lex I'm hungry Cole says.

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