Chapter 19: unexpected call

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I've just got back to Cole house from Leah's parents we spent the morning having breakfast and then we all went on a walk it was nice they included me in every conversation. I can see how much Leah's parents mean to her and I'm grateful she has people like that in her life. Me and Amanda exchanged numbers she said she wants to go out sometime to get lunch to get to know me a bit better which I accepted.

Since the euros are right around the corner people are staring to get there call ups I think Beth and Alessia have gotten there's I don't know about Leah I think she has got hers but is holding it back from me not wanting to upset or hurt me in any way but I've made me peace with it. I know I'm never going to play at international level. She keeps telling me I will get it but I don't know to be honest the thought of it scares me don't get me wrong I would love to play in the euros play for my country but leaving Cole my person my best friend for so long I don't know how I would cope I know I would have Leah but it's not the same.

It's now around noon I'm looking at houses or apartments to buy since I'm not comfortable staying in my house anymore. Cole's told me that I can just move in with him but I don't want to intrude he's already got enough on his plate with work and I'm not exactly the easiest person to live with. I just sit on my bed and try and find places I haven't had much luck so far there either to small or to big or don't fit the kind of vibe that I'm looking for.

After another half an hour of me continuously searching for a place I was about to give up until I come across this house not to far away from here it's nice not to big and not to small it's perfect it has a few spare rooms which I can use as a gym and for when people stay over it has a nice big garden with a deck that will come in handy in the summer.


Yepp Cole says coming in the door and taking a seat next to me on the bed.

Look at this house it's perfect I say handing him the laptop so he can look for himself I can tell by his facial expressions that he likes it.

Wow it's nice Lex cheap as well and not to far away from here with a bit of touching up it could be perfect he says passing the laptop back to me with a smile on his face.

Ye I think I might put an offer for it it's perfect I can already picture the parties we're gonna have in the back garden I say.

Don't think the neighbours are gonna like us in the summer cole says laughing.

Definitely not I say laughing with him.

I decided to place a bid on the house now I just have to see if they accept it or not. I hope they do it's basically my dream house and I can't wait to decorate it definitely adding a hot tub in there somewhere. I spend a bit of time just watching tv wanting to have a bit of a chill day really.  I feel my phone buzz I look at it and a smile makes its way onto my face.


Leah: get ready beautiful we are going out I'm on my way to get you now comfy clothes xx

Me: bit short notice don't you think babe 😂 xx

Leah: have you got something better to be doing😔 xx

Me: ye actually I was having a nice relaxing evening watching tv till you decide to disturb it. is it to late for you to turn back round?? xx

Leah: ouch xx

Me: I'm only joking I'd love to go out with you I'll get ready now beautiful xx

I force myself to get out of bed and I throw on a tracksuit and start to do my hair I hear a knock at the door but I'm nowhere near ready.

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